sorry, pardon me, coming through

DMZ · August 22, 2004 at 12:07 pm · Filed Under Site information 

I’m working on tweaking the template a little to make everyone (and particularly Dave) happier, so the site may look a little… uh… wonky here today.

Hmmm… Dave wanted the boxes behind posts, I’m not so sure it works. I’ll leave it up for a while. Anyway, it looks like this is going to require some serious hammer-pounding and general teeth-gnashing, so… I’m going to stop watching the game and tinkering and just watch the game. I’ll do the serious stuff next time I’m up late and there are fewer people around to see the sidebar move around.

Also, in general — part of the problem is that I’m trying to do a lot of CSS tweaking and porting between a couple of different templates we’re using while integrating the stuff that worked off the old USSM blogger template, and it’s far more complicated than I thought it would be. The blogger template was straight HTML, so I didn’t have to do a lot of tweaking. This is a whole other thing.

So bear with me.

And whatever they put in Willie’s water today, can I get some before my games this week? Holy mackeral.

(updating again: I stood up, got a Coke, watched Pudge’s at-bat, worrying they might still lose it, and when Rodrigues hit that ball, yelled “Get to it!” sighed in relief when Ichiro! got there… and tried to drink my Coke, except I’d forgotten to open for… how long did that at-bat seem to last, ten minutes? So I all I got was the refreshing taste of aluminum can. I’ll take the W.)


12 Responses to “sorry, pardon me, coming through”

  1. David J Corcoran on August 22nd, 2004 12:40 pm

    Lookin better though! When I first saw your new design I was disappointed… I liked it pretty well before. But the gray around the posts has really helped it out.

  2. David J Corcoran on August 22nd, 2004 12:43 pm

    Willie B hit a double and a home run. The sky is falling.

  3. Mike Thompson on August 22nd, 2004 12:45 pm

    Man, I was just thinking the same thing.

  4. Trent on August 22nd, 2004 1:05 pm

    Is the font obscenely big for you guys or just me? Looks great if I can just get the type down to a reasonable size.

  5. Trent on August 22nd, 2004 2:33 pm

    It was me. Site looks cool.

  6. Jon on August 22nd, 2004 2:59 pm

    Before that home run Willie was third in the majors in most at-bats this year without a home run (only Willie Harris, 292 AB’s and Eric Young 237 AB’s) had gone longer than Bloomquist (who had had 144 AB’s before the home runs).

    With back-to-back 3 hit games, “Bloomy” is now hitting .265; unfortunately that may cause the M’s to miscalulate and let him play 3B the rest of the year…

  7. David J Corcoran on August 22nd, 2004 3:22 pm

    Jon: Nothing wrong with letting Wee Willie start at 3rd for the rest of the year. Dobbs ain’t ready, and Bloomers can finally prove to everyone that he is NOT major league material.

  8. cm on August 22nd, 2004 4:08 pm

    The white has got to go, though. My eyes! My eyes! I’m not going to read a site that makes me go snowblind.

  9. Jim Thomsen on August 22nd, 2004 4:38 pm

    This is how bad the Mariners’ season has gone … even when they win, they lose (Justin Leone’s injury, etc.). Today’s loss: The certainty that Whee Whillie’s game today likely guarantees him the “local fan favorite” slot on the 2005 Seattle roster.

  10. Bill on August 22nd, 2004 4:49 pm

    I agree with Corcoran – let Willie F. Bloomquist play himself off of the roster. Of course, having said that he’ll now probably go on a tear and wind up the year at .280 or something. Yeesh.

  11. Red F & F on August 22nd, 2004 11:27 pm

    “And whatever they put in Willie’s water today, can I get some before my games this week?”

    You’ve already ridiculed JT Snow into a .950 OPS, now it’s Willie Time. (Note: your special powers will only work when you’re not trying to use them).

  12. scott on August 23rd, 2004 9:23 am

    Great lookin’ site guys, nice and clean. I’ve been following your changes and angst with interest. As a designer ( I also teach typograhy and illustration) Imight suggest losing the grey boxes. They don’t really bug me too much but really don’t add anything. Font choice is very nice, though a little horsey( meaning go maybe a pt. size smaller). Of course the real reason I check in is baseball!!!!
    Keep up the good work fellas.