Comment comments
DMZ · January 14, 2005 at 9:48 am · Filed Under Site information
Top 5 non-link-spammers, discovered while hunting down link spammers early this morning.
(tie) Mr. Corcoran & myself, both with 546 comments
eponymous coward, 410
Dave, 409
Evan, 334
HM: Jim Thomsen, 324
Just thought that was funny
22 Responses to “Comment comments”
Wow, I spend more time here than I thought. This might make me cut back.
Whatever happened to the anonymity of the internet? Way to shine a spotlight on me. Because, let’s face it, the other guys in the list have more substantive things to say.
What? No. I think even Mr. Corcoran would admit that many of his comments are not “substantive” as you put it. Or mine, for that matter.
And if it’s any consolation, the zombie comment spammers would be 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 if I wasn’t so aggressive about destroying all traces of their passing through the site.
Or mine, just like this one.
So where does Jason stand? In a tie for 1,746th with 8?
How depressing. I thought I had a life.
I bet I top the list with non-link-spammers comments deleted
You know, if comments were set up on the USSM in August of 2003, there’s a chance I might be pretty high on the above list. But they weren’t, and now all the noise I would have posted here has been put over at Sports and B’s instead. So if you ever feel like you’re too much of a USSM comment rat, go start a blog if you haven’t already. After all, the pathetic 2004 season weeded out a TON of blogs (even sent the Optimist into hibernation), and we need more viewpoints and perspectives.
Wow. I didn’t realize how bad it was. 546? Gee Whilakers.
And yes, I admit I could say more substantative stuff.
I’ll try to cut back, sorry about that.
If I started a blog, I’d probably try to recreate USSM but talk about the Blue Jays, instead. The Jays have a really weak blogosphere.
I would have been fun to get all excited about the Steve Andrade Rule 5 pick.
Wait, what does this mean? I have accessed your site (refreshed, clicked on links, etc.) 546 times?
And Steve Andrade was a waiver claim, not a Rule 5 pick.
Oh… this is how many comments I’ve posted?
Darn! I knew I wanted to post one more comment yesterday…
Maybe I should get a jump on it.
I promise not to write another comment for the next 48 hours, starting at midnight tonight.
And Sport’s and B’s David, I just don’t have the time or energy to start a blog myself (and do not feel I could post at a high enough quality to compete with some of the elder blogs), although I have considered it many ‘a time.
That’s right, pad your stats.
DJC’s 48 hour hiatus reminds me that I’ve posted maybe 3 comments from anywhere other than my office.
Man, I must be workin’ pretty hard to need all these breaks.
Pad my stats? I always post 4 comments to say one thing. I push post, then anouther thought comes, then another. This is how I ALWAYS post. That is why my numbers are so high.
He-e-eyyy, now,
We all know that I max in density per comment.
. . . It’s all in what you strive to achieve, sez the Black Eclipser.
The Blue Jays have an awesome fan site– I’m not part of it, but I am a light Jays fan, and that is my first source for Jays stuff. There’s almost too many people, because every thread has over 100 comments. They have some great interviews from people in the organization, along with interviews of prospects and players. For a blog to get the press box access they have, they must be good. Yet they stay objective and critical when they must. Kinda like some other blog I read everywhere. Come to think of it, I read this site first for M’s stuff, and the other site first for Jays stuff. I guess I put more credence in these than in papers and canned articles from espn or others.
I second the recommendation for batter’s box
BTW – the Alan Schwarz BA rountable is posted over at ESPN complete with photos of each of the participants. Voros looks like a jerk in his photo and seems to be on the Bill James high fat/low fibre diet as well. Huckaby looks like an insurance salesman, not what I had envisioned…
I didn’t know about the Batter’s Box. I’ll check it out.
Aw, come on, Corco. Blogging is something you grow into, and it in turn grows with you. Have you seen some of my posts from the first two or three months of Sports and B’s existence? I seriously cringe reading some of the stuff when I look back on it. And I think you’ve actually “considered” blogging at least twice.
I deny the existence of doing any more than ever “considering” blogging. Once finals are over and I have some more time, I may just give blogging a shot.