Tuesday results and ramblings
So Jeff and I showed up to laze about Jonah’s Baseball Prospectus 2006 (and
Baseball Between the Numbers which I reviewed here) book reading/signing last night. I had to keep slinking off during the first part due to pre-event beverage intake, but Jonah’s a personable guy and everyone loves him so everyone loved him. He managed to plug the poker book
he co-wrote, and I managed to plug Bugs Bunny, so everything works out. Jeff plugged Okinawa. He’s a big Okinawa supporter.
In most exciting news, USSM is now the only Mariners site of any kind to feature the writings of a Fulbright Scholar, our own Jeff Shaw. Clap clap clap clap. He rocks. Remember when you write in to congratulate him: only one “l” in Fulbright.
Oh yeah, the M’s.
They lost to the Angels (Times). Over in the PI, Thornton must improve his control. Either there’s increased competition for spots or the team contract wonks discovered an option year hidden somewhere. Also, Johjima threw a runner out. It’s going to be great to have a catcher that can hit some and field his position.
Which reminds me. Having hashed on some parts of this off-season at great length, I want to be clear that there are some things I am genuinely enthusiastic about: Rafael Soriano, Felix, Johjima, Lopez, Betancourt, of course I’m a huge Ichiro! fan, and the team could put together a really good, young bullpen that would be a lot of fun to watch.
29 Responses to “Tuesday results and ramblings”
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I must ask, why not be enthusiastic about Beltre? Well, except maybe for this headline that just came out today…
“Beltre Hurt” (halfway down)
go figure…
For those of you following the WBC, Mr. Gyroball, Daisuke Matsuzaka, is pitching tommorrow against Mexico at 4 PM I believe.
Should be fun to watch him pitch on TV.
I should say he is pitching tonight, Tuesday.
He also apparently
Ok, who knows how to work the a href tag?
mods, can you fix it? link is here
What? No mention of today’s TNT article about Doyle?
… And congratulations Jeff – where are you heading to study?
Thanks, Chris. One hint: it’s in the post. And you won’t be rid of me for a while, yet.
Omedetou Jeff. As further testament to the (ahem) dignitaries within the USSM universe I too was a Fulbrighter to Japan–in 2004-05. This post might get zapped, but drop me a line if you to chat about it.
Someone might pick up on this, but there’s a pretty cool story by Jeff Passan on Yahoo’s MLB site about Daisuke Matsuzaka the the gyroball. Apparently, Daisuke doesn’t throw the gyro, though he’s working on developing it. Some good Will Carroll quotes.
[deteled, long link]
Congratulations, Jeff. You are Full Bright now.
A terrible pun just to work in the extra “l” somehow.
And I am STILL not related to Matt Thornton. I did like the quote in the article after Thornton, seeing his buddy yell “throw strikes!” at Brad Lidge, asked “what do you say when I pitch?”. “Dude, you don’t want to know”. I know what I yell: “retire from baseball!”.
Since it appears to be “hate on a Mariner Lefty day” here is a interesting quote from the LA Times today:
“Former Angel pitcher Jarrod Washburn said he approached GM Bill Stoneman several times last season and expressed his desire to negotiate a contract extension. “Every time I said something, he just laughed,” Washburn said. “He would chuckle his little chuckle, and that would be the end of it.” Said Stoneman: “I knew he wanted to talk to us about a long-term extension. We weren’t interested.” — Los Angeles Times”
Huh, i wonder if the Angels looked into this guys “will to win” or “true grit” or “understanding of the game”…..or if they just needed to see his declining stats?
He said don’t I know you
From the U.S.S. Mariner party
I said who am I
To blow against the wind
For those of you following the WBC, Mr. Gyroball, Daisuke Matsuzaka, is pitching tommorrow against Mexico at 4 PM I believe.
At least Japan didn’t get booted from the WBC altogether after that horrendous overturning by Bob Davidson of the ump’s call at 3B in the USA/Japan game the other day.
It sounds like a pitch I accidentally threw on occasion during highschool ball. The thing veered off like a frisbee, more than anything I’ve ever seen. Then people would be shocked and ask me to do it again and I couldn’t for the life of me. It was like a 1 in a 1000 thing..
I’m positive it’s real, but I highly doubt anyone could ever consistently and reproducably throw it. I sure as hell couldn’t.
Soooo, what about Beltre being hurt? Guys? This is crushing the hope I had that he’s bouncing back.
Eli, that’s the (same) thing that I keep in the back of my head.
And of course, congratulations to Jeff.
I’m hoping the PI’s take on Beltre (hip flexor, can still play, might not be that serious) is accurate. I’m really looking forward to seeing him play this year.
I really don’t see the M’s having much of a prayer of contending unless Beltre has a decent season. A lineup with WFB playing every day depresses me.
A leg/hip injury for Beltre might be a good thing. Remember what the foot injury did for him in 2004.
It doesn’t seem to have hurt Beltre’s hitting in the WBC.
I strained a hip flexor before (more than once), if he gets enough rest it shouldn’t affect him for too long, but if he doesnt and pushes himself it can keep coming back and can become serious. He definately shouldn’t lift his leg up too high for anything.
Congratulations, Jeff, from this Halfbright Scholar.
I see from that Johjima article that Meche has added two pitches, giving him 5 pitches.
It’s like he’s emulating Ryan Franklin. Mediocre pitches, but lots of them.
Beltre is playing tonight so it’s not too serious. He hit the ball hard.
‘hit the ball hard’ is code for got out.
Yes, he got out, and that’s fully-referenced.
Wow, Beltre JUST missed a homerun. It was a Safeco fly out as the ball wasn’t carrying.
Great game.
Doyle . . . you can’t _not_ like him. Here’s looking at you, mate—in a big league uniform, and soon.