Doyle Returns
Dave · May 9, 2006 at 8:30 pm · Filed Under Mariners
For those wondering how the young Aussie’s been doing, he’s starting his rehab stint with the Tacoma Rainiers tomorrow. Welcome back, Chris.
For those wondering how the young Aussie’s been doing, he’s starting his rehab stint with the Tacoma Rainiers tomorrow. Welcome back, Chris.
Best news I’ve heard all week. The NHL playoffs are depressing me.
for those of us listening at home to the radio, could we have a rousing chant of DOYLE DOYLE DOYLE when he goes to the plate? or at least one round of Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi?
It’s a day game in Tacoma, starts at 11:35am
Please, oh please, just let him DH down in Tacoma!
baseball on the radio all day long at work? yeehah!
How would Snelling fit in with the big club when he makes it back to the majors?
Viva Doyle!!!
6. If there is a god, he and Ibanez DH and play left.
And Everett gets flipped to someone who needs “grit” for ten cases of Fosters to keep Doyle happy.
11:35? What is this, Brunch At The Ballpark?
Wahoo!!!!! I just got back from 10 days in New Orleans late yesterday, and was so tired tonight I forgot there was a Rainiers home game. So tomorrow will be my first game since I got back too.
This is a very nice welcome home, indeed.
nah, not Fosters. Vic bitter.
msb, you are such a beer hound
Wonder if the Mariners ever play him in the field again.
Mmm Cooper’s would be nice.
Doyle’s on the comeback trail and we’re in third place??? Things are looking up!!!
We’ve really got to come up with a “Doyle Fan Club” or “Cult of Doyle” t-shirt before he makes it back to Seattle, don’t we?
“I’m so glad; I’m so glad; I’m glad, I’m glad, I’m glllaaaaaaaadd!” Doyle is reason enough to go to the ballpark by himself.
Thinking of Doyle, it’s hard to imagine him in our present, tawdry team context, so while I don’t think much of hypothetical line-ups for once here’s one I really want to see take the field:
Ichiro, RF
Doyle, LF
Lopez, 3B
Ibanez, DH
Sexson, 1B
Johjima, C
Cabrera, 28
Betancourt, SS
Everything I have heard about Doyle is that he should just be the DH. Like the second coming of Edger?
Anyways, I hope it works out for him, this time.
Hey, isn’t all this talk sort-of, bad luck?
Shall we organise a sweepstake based on which of Doyle’s body parts is the next to explode?
I wonder if Doyle knows that there is a small but hardcore group who totally cares that he makes it? He’s had to struggle so much on his own that he may be a bit walled off from the world’s interest?
Ya know, we ought to send him a best wishes card. Or something.
Hell, Bela, if there’s a group of Bucky Backers, we should make it known to Doyle that he’s got a group of supporters. If for no other reason than that might get him through another…..I won’t say it….eh, another call up to the big leagues?
Yeah, we really ought to do something for the mate. I’m not in a position to go down to Tacoma, but we should send him something.
A Rabbit’s Foot? A snow globe (i.e. no more AZ)? A Silver Slugger make-believe?? A box of brownies with a “We believe in YOU” card would probably be worth something. He’s been down so long, it looks like ‘Lost’ to him, I suspect.
#17, I would love to see Doyle in LF and all, but why on earth would you move Lopez to 3B and get rid of Beltre in favor of Cabrera? No way is start was THAT bad. Unless your [PTN] is god (in which case he should be batting third), this line-up is worse then the current one.
Let get Doyle in LF so Ibanez can full time DH and Everett can… disapear?
Thiel stated in his PI column this morning that Doyle will be DH’ing until they can determine the strength of his legs…
a varient USSM t-shirt with ‘ask me about the traffic in Peoria’ on it? a new celebratory short-termer shirt lauding the Doyleness of Doyle? actually, a shirt with some of the best quotes over the years would be pretty entertaining….
“Surgery doesn’t mean he can’t be 100 percent,” Dan Rohn said. “It just means he has more pins and scar tissue than anybody else.”
“I don’t like to look at myself in the mirror. God didn’t make me to look pretty. If He did, I would have been a supermodel and women would want me.”
“My dad always told me ‘Never rest until your best is better, and your better is best. I always think I can do better.”
“My day usually consisted of hitting, lifting and running. Shedding those extra pounds of good old aussie beer in me.”
“I think although we are losing and struggling it’s a good opportunity to work on my mental game and face this adversity and it’s kind of fun seeing which guys on the team overcome this adversity and talk about it to other team-mates and try to figure a way to win. I enjoy talking about the game in the clubhouse and that’s where I learn the most about the game and those little games within the game. Don’t get me wrong, it’s only the beginning of the season but how long can you keep saying this until a win is a necessity????”
“Some say I am too intense at the plate and maybe I am but my at-bats are mine and when I feel someone has taken one away from me I get offended.”
“I must say there was a beauty at the pool and I thought she winked at me but later to my attention that “wink” was a middle finger!!! Just another moment in my life to yet again prove I have no game, along with a rude head. I think I have no choice but to let baseball be my wife and what a glorious wife at that.”
“I have no outstanding skills or whatever. It doesn’t take talent to play the game 100 percent, and I try to play the game hard.”
“”When I was a kid, I was always hurt. I split my head open like five times. I ran into a brick wall. I had a toe chopped off. I broke my arm jumping into an empty swimming pool.”
“The reason I’m here is that I made so many mistakes when I was younger, and I learned not to make those mistakes again. You become a wiser person that way.”
“I don’t think I ever read a book in high school. When you’re in school, you don’t want to learn. Once you get out, your brain goes dormant – and you want to learn.”
“Take it easy and may the force be with you all.”
Re 17, I’d just like to point out that Mr. Beltre is hitting .333 in his last 46 at bats while continuing to play elite defense and showing good speed. The power stroke is not back yet but he’s finding ways to contribute nonetheless. I suggest looking to the other corner if you’re looking for someone to sit.
Re Doyle, Huzzah!!! I’m counting the days until we have a legitimate left fielder. Things really are looking up.
#25: Apropro would be “Do, or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda (spoken to a rehabbing Luke Skywalker)
Straight from not playing for half a year to batting third today. Think the organization thinks pretty highly of him as a hitter? Well, at least Brundage does.
#27 – no, really?
I’ve never heard that before.