Game 24, Mariners at Yankees

Dave · May 4, 2007 at 4:13 pm · Filed Under Mariners 

Baek vs Igawa, 4:05 pm.

RH no outpitch command guy vs LH no oupitch no command guy. Bombs away!


494 Responses to “Game 24, Mariners at Yankees”

  1. _David_ on May 4th, 2007 7:37 pm

    Here we go.

  2. Marvin on May 4th, 2007 7:37 pm

    Putz in now!

  3. zzyzx on May 4th, 2007 7:37 pm

    come on, don’t blow this please…

  4. Replacement level poster on May 4th, 2007 7:37 pm

    Richie isn’t going to be worth 14 mill this year, but he won’t be as bad has he has been so far this season. He really has been pretty unlucky, if you look at his babip it shows that.

  5. Axtell on May 4th, 2007 7:38 pm

    Gotta say the Wii is a lot of fun…who cares if it doesn’t do HD? Graphics alone don’t make games fun…hell, how much fun were the original NES games back in the 80s? And they sure weren’t setting the world on fire graphically.

  6. Mariners_World_Series_Bound on May 4th, 2007 7:38 pm

    Thanks for the great info paul and RLP.

  7. bhsmarine on May 4th, 2007 7:40 pm

    Lets go PUTZ!!

  8. kentroyals5 on May 4th, 2007 7:40 pm

    oh Mariners how you play with our hearts

  9. zzyzx on May 4th, 2007 7:41 pm

    Come ON…

  10. rexpresto on May 4th, 2007 7:41 pm

    I have pretty much scared my wife away watching this game online (here in Oakland)…This has be a flat-out brawl, but if the Yankholes pull this out…Oh no…Giambi just loaded them up…

  11. carcinogen on May 4th, 2007 7:42 pm

    ’bout time for that splitter, I’d say…

  12. kentroyals5 on May 4th, 2007 7:43 pm


  13. Lauren, token chick on May 4th, 2007 7:43 pm

    I, uh. I still play nethack. Aaannnnd NICE!

  14. bhsmarine on May 4th, 2007 7:44 pm

    Way to kill the hitting streak and get the win!! GO M’s!

  15. Paul B on May 4th, 2007 7:44 pm


    26 runs total. That’s the most runs in a game I can remember in a long time.

  16. rexpresto on May 4th, 2007 7:44 pm

    Praise Putz and Dave Niehaus…There is a God, and tonight he’s a Mariners fan. So nice to see Jeter go 0-for-6

  17. Karen on May 4th, 2007 7:47 pm

    Funny quote from the Boston play-by-play guys who must have been listening to/watching this game out of the corner of their eyes: “The Yankees don’t need a bullpen, they need a quarterback. Where’s Drew Henson when you need him?”


    I hope I’m not laughing too soon. The M’s still have THREE more games with the Bombers.

  18. _David_ on May 4th, 2007 7:48 pm

    So here’s a random question that is tempering my post-Yankee-beating euphoria, exactly why isn’t Moyer on our team right now? The whole thing about trading him seemed to be because he wasn’t pitching useful games for us and to give him a chance to win -all these things that seemed to suggest he was retiring, but he’s pitching for at least this year and next. Did we not realize we’d need pitchers this year? Could we not afford Moyer?

  19. rexpresto on May 4th, 2007 7:48 pm

    Let’s enjoy this win tonight…Weaver goes tomorrow.

  20. Mariners_World_Series_Bound on May 4th, 2007 7:52 pm

    If, and that’s a gargantuan *IF* Weaver beats the Yankees tomorrow, more heads are most certainly going to roll in NY.

  21. bhsmarine on May 4th, 2007 7:52 pm

    Think we could just spot the Yankees 6 and start the game in the 3rd inning and save Weaver the sore arm and embarrassment?

  22. Replacement level poster on May 4th, 2007 7:54 pm

    He was a FA that wanted to play on a contending team (sound like someone else on the M’s?)

    So they gave him that opportunity. Its not like he couldn’t have re-signed with the Mariners if he had wanted to this past off season.

  23. Karen on May 4th, 2007 7:54 pm

    I don’t know the answer to that, but he’s no-hitting the Giants right now (of course it’s still really really early in that game)…

  24. msb on May 4th, 2007 8:02 pm

    He was a FA that wanted to play on a contending team (sound like someone else on the M’s?) So they gave him that opportunity. Its not like he couldn’t have re-signed with the Mariners if he had wanted to this past off season.

    that pretty much sums it up

    and it means sometimes angry people do things like give my book crappy reviews.

    well, he didn’t review the book so much as the reviewers …

  25. DizzleChizzle on May 4th, 2007 8:14 pm

    I like the fact that Ichiro has taken 5 BB over the last 3 games. I hope to see more of that.

  26. msb on May 4th, 2007 8:15 pm

    FWIW, pre-season on Moyer from Seattle and Philly

  27. msb on May 4th, 2007 8:31 pm

    hey! Mike might have to use his bench!

    “Mariners manager Mike Hargrove wouldn’t comment on the makeup dates, but said he would start giving his regulars more rest. As an example, he said that third baseman Adrian Beltre and designated hitter Jose Vidro would not start Saturday’s 12:55 p.m. PT game against the Yankees in New York.”

  28. _David_ on May 4th, 2007 8:35 pm

    Consequences of MLBtv, listening to so many different broadcasters bring their insight-

    Giants broadcaster: (camera on someone in a Philly Schilling jersey, Phillies are in San Fran) It’s nice to see them come all the way out from Boston (with no hint of irony)

    Arizona broadcasters are talking about Randy Johnson needing to pitch to contact.

  29. Dave on May 4th, 2007 8:38 pm

    Right, because what Jeff Weaver needs, when facing the best line-up in baseball, is for his gold glove third baseman to be sitting on the bench.

  30. _David_ on May 4th, 2007 8:41 pm

    Beltre doesn’t hit nearly enough to win a gold glove.

  31. Karen on May 4th, 2007 8:42 pm

    Oh, sure, take one of the guys who has an >.300 BA out of the game, and leave in the guy who is hitting .153 ’cause he just needs time to work it out. (ye gawds, if Sexson couldn’t get 3-4 hits in this blowout game, he never will)

    At least Grover didn’t name Beltre, Vidro, AND Jojima.


    f/u to 473: Moyer has 2-hit the Giants through 5 innings now…

  32. _David_ on May 4th, 2007 8:43 pm

    Who will play third tomorrow?

  33. Replacement level poster on May 4th, 2007 8:51 pm

    I think Grover is just punting the Saturday game, that is why he is willing to sit regulars. It doesn’t need to make sense.

  34. Tae Bo Jackson on May 4th, 2007 8:52 pm

    WFB at third
    Broussard at First
    Sexson DH

  35. msb on May 4th, 2007 9:15 pm

    the orange highlights on the OSU baseball unis have an uncanny, almost radioactive glow

  36. smb on May 4th, 2007 9:17 pm

    Lincecum vs. Hamels, Sunday night!

  37. msb on May 4th, 2007 9:37 pm


    hmm. watching BBTN– I don’t think their current Former Mariner 2nd Baseman/Analyst is going to replace their canned Former Mariner 2nd Baseman/Analyst any time soon ….

  38. Wells on May 4th, 2007 9:55 pm

    “When you score 15 runs, you don’t expect the tying run to be at the plate in the ninth,” Hargrove said. “It’s like someone’s sticking bamboo shoots under your fingernails.”


  39. mln on May 5th, 2007 12:02 am

    Since Jeff Weaver is pitching tomorrow, what are the chances that a Mariners regular player gets to pitch?

    Willie Bloomquist mentioned that he wanted to get an opportunity to pitch in a game, since he has been tinkering with some pitches.

    Tomorrow may be his day.

  40. shortbus on May 5th, 2007 1:15 am

    We’re the 5th best team in the AL. Holy Pot-Smoking Christ. I love the statistical analysis and Glavin and all…but is there any chance in God’s green earth that this is for real? By my calculations only four teams make it to the playoffs. So 5th place might as well be 15th place. As a total homer I have to ask…is there any chance we might really be one team away from the playoffs at year’s end? That’s like…nine teams closer than I expecte to be!

  41. joser on May 5th, 2007 2:35 am

    Ok, it’s way late and probably nobody is going to read this, but as if the game itself wasn’t bizarre enough:

    Immediately after the last out I paid my check and walked out into Belltown. Walking down First Ave, I heard somebody say “Good game” to a guy walking towards me. I looked up, and did a double-take. Behind me, a guy said to his girlfriend: “You see that guy, with the bald head? He’s the Mariners’, uh….” and I said “He’s Bill Bavasi, General Manager for the Mariners.” No, I have no idea what he was doing walking by himself in scruffy jeans through Belltown. And no, I didn’t ask him whether there was any chance Morrow would ever be a starter.

    Ok, it’s not quite as weird as the time I found myself talking about sports injuries with a random Australian guy at a bar, only to to eventually realize it was Snelling. But coming right on the heels of this game, it was kind of the perfect cherry on top of the crazy cake.

  42. EnglishMariner on May 5th, 2007 3:10 am

    491 – both of those stories are crazy!

  43. Pete on May 5th, 2007 6:40 am

    #488 – Not sure what part of that quote you’re questioning, if it’s the bamboo thing you’re unclear about: that’s a form of torture.

  44. Xteve X on May 5th, 2007 9:30 am

    494 – Bamboo shoots are those white crunchy things you eat in a stir fry.

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