Wait, what? There’s no game again?
DMZ · October 19, 2007 at 5:17 pm · Filed Under General baseball
Despite having whined about it earlier, I totally thought there was a game tonight — I just could not get my head around this being another off day, despite understanding it was 2-3-2 and all. My fault.
25 Responses to “Wait, what? There’s no game again?”
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I never really had any hope they could beat Beckett, and Sabathia has just not been up to snuff in the last few games. I do not doubt, however, that they’ll win a game in Boston; none of the other Boston starters has been at all impressive.
So, hell yeah: GO TRIBE!
This game is tomorrow (Saturday) right? I thought it was stupid to go B-B-DO-C-C-DO-C-DO-B-B (b = boston, c = cleveland, do = dayoff). They should have not taken the second day off in cleveland.
Every day off sucks. Apparently MLB relishes (or never expected) the possibility of WS snowouts in November. I mean, there has to be some percentage chance that Coors field is unplayable for a week or more, on the off chance that an early blizzard comes through. How about snowouts in Cleveland as bookends to the season? Couldn’t it happen?
Hopefully MLB will wake up and realize that unless the hype machine is running full-blast between games 4 and 5, interest will flag.
The Rockies will sit for nine days before the WS starts. All four division series are resolved in eight days.
I mean, there has to be some percentage chance that Coors field is unplayable for a week or more, on the off chance that an early blizzard comes through. How about snowouts in Cleveland as bookends to the season? Couldn’t it happen?
Only if the snowouts happen on days when the Series would have already been resolved by under the old schedule. And then every sportswriter would have three columns worth of “MLB is run by idiots” to run with, saving them precious brain cells for that lull in sports between Thanksgiving and the bowls.
(a) Denver’s unpredictable fall climate due to altitude
(b) The also unpredictable fall climate of Cleveland and Boston due to latitude
& (c) The fact that it was the bright idea of MLB/FOX/TBS to drag out the post-season for the WHOLE flippin’ month of October
…there is a very real possibility of snow-outs or delays at either end of this World Series.
My neighbor predicts that, for this reason, moving the WS to a so-called “neutral” location is inevitable at some point down the road.
God, I hope he’s wrong.
I believe Coors field is heated (there are coils under the turf). They can’t do anything while a blizzard is going on, but they can have it cleared pretty quick afterward. And — semi-annual “blizzards of the century” aside — fronts generally move through fast, after which Denver gets those clear cold sunny days; this isn’t Cleveland. So they definitely could have a game postponed because of snow, but it likely will be playable the next day. It certainly is not going to be unplayable for “a week or more.”
But yeah, the networks and baseball have to realize that they have teams that are affected by weather at both ends of the calendar (and they’re going to have another one when the Twins build their open stadium) and plan accordingly.
Also, it seems like these off-days kill the excitement. I realize most people have lives and can’t watch a 3+ hour game every night, but that’s going to be true no matter how many off days there are in betweeen.
I don’t see how they could go to a “neutral” site. The owners make too much money from the gate. Even if the site saw none of it, and it got shared between the teams in the WS, it would still be much less. I mean, imagine if this year’s WS (COL-CLE say) was played at Safeco. Would you go? To every game? And buy stuff? Like you would if the M’s were playing? Or suppose in 2012 the M’s got to the WS, but it wasn’t going to be played at Safeco; instead, the designated field would be, I don’t know, some new stadium in Florida awarded the WS years before. Do you think they’d get a sell-out? And why not play it in Safeco — it has a roof, what’s the problem? Isn’t that part of the incentive for the owners to keep building the damn things?
they already dealt with the snow-like temps the last Cleveland WS…
So let me just liven up this off-day with the most satisfying page in sport this October. Where’s Nelson Muntz when you need him?
Boston must be happy with these days off. Beckett will be able to pitch game 7 if need be.
At least out here we’ve had a chance to actually see the games. The Rockies games that started at 7 here started at 10 in the east, so I’m guessing there’s not much momentum built up there among fans. This schedule is just insane.
Thanks for the explanation. Yeah, they don’t really go into a panic in Denver at the sight of snow, huh? Just because an inch in Seattle makes the city catatonic doesn’t mean other cities are similarly paralyzed. Denver: heat the field with coils, chill the baseball in a humidor? Wacky!
Thanks, too — wasn’t aware that radiant turf heat was being applied at any MLB park.
Ah, the wonders of modern technology!
One way to spend the off-night is to bend the space-time continuum, and also to make robots shoot themselves in the face. Portals are the path to cake, which you must eat, as it is delicious.
apparently Riggleman as bench-coach is official– from St Louis:
“Among the other issues confronting the organization is hiring a minor league field coordinator to replace former Chicago Cubs and San Diego Padres manager Jim Riggleman, who officially resigned his position with the Cardinals on Friday to become Seattle Mariners bench coach.
Riggleman accepted the Mariners’ job primarily to become a more visible managerial candidate. Considered the most likely in-house successor as Cardinals manager had La Russa left, Riggleman accepted the Mariners’ offer after being contacted last Saturday.
“I felt after being out of the big leagues for a few years, I better not pass on this opportunity,” said Riggleman, who turned down similar offers following the 2006 season. “You sometimes feel if you’re out of sight, you’re out of mind. The visibility aspect of this played an important role for me.” “
One way to spend the off-night is to bend the space-time continuum, and also to make robots shoot themselves in the face. Portals are the path to cake, which you must eat, as it is delicious.
Like ice cream, portal hurts my brain.
What I find upsetting the most about this is that the Rockies will be resting for a total of 8 days inbetween games. I really hope that doesn’t end up being too much– its more days off than the guys have had since before spring training!
I wonder what the managers do- do you keep the players in town and run practice every day or do you let them see their families. Tough call.
That is a good question. Will the inertia of Todd Helton’s tremendous veteran grit inevitably decrease with such a break, and end up hurting the team’s great chemistry advantage? There must be a wily veteran relief arm they can bring aboard in the meantime to staunch the bleeding.
Will Yorvit Torrealba’s red hot bat suddenly cool in the cold Denver air? Will Denny Neagle and Mike Hampton still get a check? These plaguing questions are troublesome as portal-induced vertigo.
#15– but Larry is still making up his mind:
“Yankees third-base coach Larry Bowa, also reached Friday night, said: “I guess since Joe got fired or didn’t accept the proposal, Cash told all of us, basically, ‘Do what’s in the best interest of you. I can’t say, yes, you’ll be back. I can’t say you’re not going to be back. You did a good job and everything. I just can’t make any promises.”‘
Bowa already has an offer from the Mariners to be their third-base coach. Bowa, a former Phillies and Padres manager, was Seattle’s third-base coach in 2000. The Mariners asked for and received the Yankees’ permission to talk to Bowa, who said he has not decided what to do.
“I’m just weighing things out right now,” Bowa said. “They’re a good organization, with good people running it. I haven’t really put a deadline on it. They’ve talked to me; they’ve made a proposal to be their third-base coach.”
you know what? I think tonight counts as ‘no game’, as well.
20: I think you’re right. Hopefully, the Sox have burned up all their runs and won’t have anything left in them for Game 7.
I do want the Sox to win, but I’m sorry that CC and Fausto have had such bad outings. It would have been nice for them to get some national recognition for really brilliant seasons.
Those back-to-back horrible outings by Sabathia and Carmona are unbelievable. Not that it’s unusual for a team’s ace/so-called “ace” to go to pieces come October (see Sele, Aaron and Maddux, Greg), but when BOTH of a team’s best starters lose by such large margins in consecutive games, you start to think that that team is probably in trouble.
Yeah, now would be a good time to put money on the Sox. Oh well, if/when they win it will at least be fun to root against Evil Empire, Jr. in the Series.
Hopefully Westbrook can duplicate his last effort…and Varitek will probably call plenty of fastballs for DiceK, so maybe the Tribe can reawaken their own bats. I would love to see Lofton hit a go ahead HR late in game 7…
23 – Just liek in ’03 NLCS, You can blame the curse all you want, but when the Cubs had both Kerry Wood and Mark Prior (in their prime) starting game 6 and game 7, and couldn’t manage to win, then who’s to blame other than themselves.