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Game 44, Padres at Mariners
DMZ · May 17, 2008 at 6:10 pm · Filed Under Mariners
Bedard vs Wolf. 7:10. Nice night to go see a game, too.
Did you know that “Mariner” does not mean “Moose”? Who do they think they are?!
fetish on
May 17th, 2008 9:57 pm
Does anyone think,
the more and more we play the Padres,
they more that actually BECOME the hated rival?
hawgdriver on
May 17th, 2008 10:00 pm
Some track game attendance. Others track merchandise sales.
My leading indicator is the number of quality game-related comments on a Saturday evening game thread.
hairofthedawg on
May 17th, 2008 10:00 pm
As long as we keep beating them, they’re fine as the hated rival.
argh on
May 17th, 2008 10:00 pm
Nice game despite not much offense, Bedard’s scary 4th inning wobble and JJ’s increasingly familiar hesitancy while trying to close. But oh my lord does Sexson look horrible from up close — uncertain, weak, slow, you name a bad thing for a big league hitter and he’s got it. If he was a combat soldier in that condition even George Patton on his meanest day would send him home to sell war bonds.
shortbus on
May 17th, 2008 10:04 pm
Putz’ save tonight was not confidence-inspiring. Ironically the first baserunner came on one of his better pitches, and the first two outs came on very well hit balls. Putz was all over the place. You just have to hate the “closer gets the ninth” attitude that pushed Bedard off the mound after only 101 pitches for a very shaky Putz.
hawgdriver on
May 17th, 2008 10:11 pm
Dave mentioned right after the injury that it could be a nagging injury. I’m sure we all suspect there is some element of injury still affecting his performance. I wonder if it wouldn’t be better for him to just get healthy if that’s the case. Still, it was good to see him hit 98 tonight. Cool hemp necklace, too–is that new?
ceepdublu on
May 17th, 2008 10:29 pm
Beautiful night to be out at the game, though the Mariners’ pre-game schedulers gave us a bit of a heart attack right before the game started. Someone needs to tell them that when the team is doing as well *ahem* as the M’s have been doing this year, it’s probably best not to schedule a very large female opera singer to do the national anthem…
enazario on
May 17th, 2008 10:49 pm
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings…
smb on
May 17th, 2008 11:29 pm
That is hilarious!! I will have to share that will a few people for sure.
msb on
May 18th, 2008 7:25 am
Someone needs to tell them that when the team is doing as well *ahem* as the M’s have been doing this year, it’s probably best not to schedule a very large female opera singer to do the national anthem…
very likely now-Seattleite Jane Eaglen, internationally famous Wagnerian soprano and rabid, if resigned (“…cheering for the Seattle Mariners, which is often a futile exercise”….) Mariners fan.
When they had the refit of the Opera House, she tried to talk them into running a video feed from Safeco to the dressing rooms
Joe on
May 18th, 2008 10:43 am
Heh, that’s cool. I look forward to seeing her sing every at home game of the World Series when the M’s get there (assuming both she and I are alive by then).
Despite not being the fleetest of runners, Burke was waved home. He plowed across home plate just ahead of the relay throw and got a wet towel tossed on his head in the dugout after pulling Seattle even at 2-all.
”I’m always surprised to see myself go around third to score,” Burke cracked.
Did you know that “Mariner” does not mean “Moose”? Who do they think they are?!
Does anyone think,
the more and more we play the Padres,
they more that actually BECOME the hated rival?
Some track game attendance. Others track merchandise sales.
My leading indicator is the number of quality game-related comments on a Saturday evening game thread.
As long as we keep beating them, they’re fine as the hated rival.
Nice game despite not much offense, Bedard’s scary 4th inning wobble and JJ’s increasingly familiar hesitancy while trying to close. But oh my lord does Sexson look horrible from up close — uncertain, weak, slow, you name a bad thing for a big league hitter and he’s got it. If he was a combat soldier in that condition even George Patton on his meanest day would send him home to sell war bonds.
Putz’ save tonight was not confidence-inspiring. Ironically the first baserunner came on one of his better pitches, and the first two outs came on very well hit balls. Putz was all over the place. You just have to hate the “closer gets the ninth” attitude that pushed Bedard off the mound after only 101 pitches for a very shaky Putz.
Dave mentioned right after the injury that it could be a nagging injury. I’m sure we all suspect there is some element of injury still affecting his performance. I wonder if it wouldn’t be better for him to just get healthy if that’s the case. Still, it was good to see him hit 98 tonight. Cool hemp necklace, too–is that new?
Beautiful night to be out at the game, though the Mariners’ pre-game schedulers gave us a bit of a heart attack right before the game started. Someone needs to tell them that when the team is doing as well *ahem* as the M’s have been doing this year, it’s probably best not to schedule a very large female opera singer to do the national anthem…
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings…
That is hilarious!! I will have to share that will a few people for sure.
very likely now-Seattleite Jane Eaglen, internationally famous Wagnerian soprano and rabid, if resigned (“…cheering for the Seattle Mariners, which is often a futile exercise”….) Mariners fan.
When they had the refit of the Opera House, she tried to talk them into running a video feed from Safeco to the dressing rooms
Heh, that’s cool. I look forward to seeing her sing every at home game of the World Series when the M’s get there (assuming both she and I are alive by then).
Despite not being the fleetest of runners, Burke was waved home. He plowed across home plate just ahead of the relay throw and got a wet towel tossed on his head in the dugout after pulling Seattle even at 2-all.
”I’m always surprised to see myself go around third to score,” Burke cracked.