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Felix Day wooooooooooo
DMZ · May 18, 2008 at 1:10 am · Filed Under Mariners
Two games in a row? Dare I dream?
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Hated Rivals, can’t hold anything back.
I don’t care if they win, as long as Bedard starts giving better interviews.
Oh how the optimism abounds! For one day, let’s throw the records out (I’m sure both teams would like to) and enjoy some regal pitching!
If I were you… I would refrain from dreaming.
I don’t care if they win, as long as Bedard starts giving better interviews.
Bedard’s interview tonight was stellar.
I’m having a really hard time with the M’s. I realized yesterday when I was going to look at a score and all I could think about was how I wanted them to lose. That’s never happened with any team I’ve ever followed. I was horrified. I rationalized it down to how much I hate Bavasi and McLaren for what they’ve done to this team and I want them gone. Lincoln too. Until that happens I am just going to be uncomfortable getting my hopes up for the success of the M’s. God damn it.
I’ve got my Happy Felix Day shirt (ordered from Lookout Landing and a fine product if I do say so myself) already and I am stoked. Go Felix go M’s.
That should say ON already, sorry I really shouldn’t be posting at 3:40 am.
Teej Says:
I don’t care if they win, as long as Bedard starts giving better interviews.
I love Bedard’s interviews. They’re hilarious! Humor through unexpected brevity and pause!
But I don’t think he’s really trying to be funny…
I dunno. he is Canadian, after all ….
Like Ichiro, I think he may be more aware of the (meta-)humor of his replies than we credit him for; also, like Ichiro, faced with inanity I suspect he’s less interested in amusing us than amusing himself (and punishing the reporter in the — almost certainly Quixotic — hopes of getting a better question the next time).
Felix Day! Time to investigate the Terrace Club for the first time! See you there, msb…
Uh oh, Lauren prowling the Terrace. If there’s a “disruption” in the stands I guess we’ll know who to blame…
hope she got my note saying I’d not be in my seat, after all, this aft.
Having been thwarted in getting to the game, I assume that means that Felix will truly honor Felix Day by getting his first no-no or something equally splendiferous.
Oh no! I’m bummed. Well, hopefully Felix will reward your Murphy’s Law interpretation of the afternoon.
Bedard’s two word answer was really working today, so he was able to use it up and in to reporters. Also his phrase length answer really had bite today, especially to lefthanders. We were happy with the gamecalling from the PR department, which showed a good mix of answers and kept the press off balance. All in all, another fine outing.