USSM/LL Event Announcement
You know what this season needs? No, not more frustration, losses, and hilariously bad baseball. No, this season needs a USSMariner/Lookout Landing get together, and so that’s what Jeff Sullivan and I are teaming up to give you guys. Details are below.
When: Saturday, June 14th, 1 pm to 5 pm
Where: Seattle Central Library on 4th St downtown.
What It Is: Four hours of baseball talk with Jeff Sullivan, Derek Zumsteg, Matthew Carruth, myself, and really cool special guests. You’ll love them.
How Much: $20 per person, registration limited to 100 attendees, includes light food.
If you’ve ever been to one of these before, you’ll know they’re a blast. We’ve had a great time at all of the past events, and I expect that this one will be no different. The Library has a great meeting room setup with theatre seating and AV equipment perfect for a Q&A session with the people we’ve invited (past guests include Mariners GM Bill Bavasi, Mariners scouting director Bob Fontaine, Rangers manager of pro scouting Josh Boyd, ESPN writer Jim Caple, Rainiers Broadcaster Mike Curto, and Aquasox Broadcaster Pat Dillon – you’re going to get cool people at the event, trust us). We’ll just spend the afternoon talking baseball and having a good time, and since the Library is conveniently located not far from Safeco Field, it’s an easy jaunt over to the park after the event is over if you want to watch the team play.
Food will be provided, but I’d suggest that you eat lunch before coming, honestly. We’ll have snacks and non-alcoholic drinks available for people to munch on during the event, but don’t skip a few meals in expectation of devouring free food for hours.
To register for the event, send an email to with the number of people you’re reserving space for included in the subject line and their names included in the message of the email. Your reservation will not be confirmed until we’ve received your payment, which we will accept via paypal or by check. Detailed information on payment and where to meet will be sent to you after you sign up via email.
Seriously, it’s going to be a lot of fun, so come.
I just sent an “e” to the above addy to reserve. Let me know if you guys didn’t get it so I can resend…thanks.
Sounds like it’ll be fun!
Damn it! These things always happen when I have no chance of making it. I’ll be graduating from the University of Oregon that day! (12 years and a tour in the Navy later).
Waaaaah. I’m going to miss this by four days.
Sadly I’ll miss this – even if I could coordinate a trip out to see family with the event, work won’t permit it for at least another couple of months. But I hope you all have a great time. Somebody take notes! I’ll make one of these events some day.
Email sent
Just waiting to hear how to pay…
If only it didn’t cost hundreds of dollars to attend…
I have done as much as I can to keep costs down, and I hope the registration fee isn’t a hardship on anyone. Realistically, it is very hard to find a meeting space for 100 people that will suit all our needs, and renting a space of this size just isn’t cheap.
I don’t see why 20 bucks would be a problem.
And the ones that can be cheaper may not be available…(I’ve experience in renting performance space….ghah….)
Blazer D, good on ya, man (I’m assuming).
Sounds like fun. I’ll probably come up for it. I just hope there will tickets available that night for the Washington game…
10 – You should buy them quick before all those Nationals Nation fans take all the good seats.
Just kidding, but seriously, will you be able to say what seats or at least what section everyone plans to be in so I could try to at least get a seat within the vicinity?
The Seattle Central library is awesome! Amazing architecture, views and content. Great opportunity to bring someone along who isn’t necessarily interested in talking baseball. Good pick on the location Dave and Jeff.
One of these days I’ll be able to make it up to an event, but not this time. I’m in Boise the weekend beforehand for my sister’s wedding, then back to San Diego for another family thing on the girlfriend’s side on the day of the USSM/LL event. Ugh.
Have fun, everyone.
Hey, I actually might be able to make this.
I’m guessing Bavasi is not going to be one of the special guests?
Good choice of venue also (though, in contrast to #12, I have some significant criticisms of the Experience Library Project both as a building in general and as a functional library in particular, it certainly works as a convenient location for an event like this). An aside about parking: don’t plan to park under the library if you’re going to the game — afaik, the parking under the library closes at 9pm Mon-Sat. And anyway it’s expensive and in short supply, even by downtown standards. There are other lots around that offer Saturday rates. Or consider transit. If I go, and the weather is halfway decent, I’m going to bike.
Is Derek going to be able to sell/sign his book?
#2: I know, why are these things always scheduled on Flag Day???
and we are good eaters.
Thanks, jlc! Was happy to do my time…
Man..if my band didn’t have a gig that day I would make the trek to Seattle…and bring Ketchup chips…
OH well..maybe next year…
Damn, I’ll be on the Oregon Coast. Just made/paid for my room yesterday.
Bummer, dude…had a girlfriend who was from Manitoba once who got me TOTALLY addicted to those things…
Needless to say, I now have to bring at three bags back home with me every time I go to BC.
So the Nationals Nation will be watching Washington in Washington.
I might come. But I am going to Adrain Beltre bobble head night the night before, and I don’t know if I can afford two trips to Seattle.
You had to have it on BarCamp weekend, didn’t you?
Also, that’s UDub’s graduation day….
Dumb question. Paypal through the donate button on the top of the page?
Man, if I didn’t live in San Diego, I would be all over this. *tear*
Has anyone gotten the confirmation/payment email yet? I’m not sure if I missed the cutoff.
I paid in full several days ago and haven’t gotten any sort of notification as to whether I’m in or not. Anyone else?
weebs, I’d send an email to to follow up.
I did send an email a few days ago to see. I’ll send another one, I suppose.
I know Dave’s been handling the majority of the feed logistics solo, so he might just not have gotten to your email yet.
The likelihood is if you paid, you’re in, but if you don’t hear from him from your follow-up email, post in this thread again and I’ll try to see if I can help.