Game 87, Tigers at Mariners
DMZ · July 5, 2008 at 6:10 pm · Filed Under Mariners
Galarraga v Dickey.
I have to admit that when I first saw this matchup on the probable pitcher listing I wondered for just an instant if Andres Galarraga had made yet another comeback, this time as a pitcher. The Big Cat would only be 47, after all.
And remember, you can keep America rolling!
184 Responses to “Game 87, Tigers at Mariners”
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“Morrow Time?” That doesn’t even make sense.
I thought his M.O was to start off slowly in each league he entered…
Is it bad that with each win I am kissing that number one draft pick next year goodbye…
151 – must have been something sims came up with.
Now imagine that… times six. Yeah… he needs to start.
M’s win!!!
Games like this are why I keep watching.
Niehaus: “The Mariners come from behind…just like the good old days.”
NIce!! M’s win!!
Is it just me or has this been happening a lot lately?
It feels good!
153: Yep, one of my biggest fears is that the M’s rip off a string of 22 of 30, and not only lose the top draft pick, but end up making Pelekoudas and Riggleman permanent in their positions instead of caretakers….
Clement is going to be GOOD
How about “To-Morrow”?
OMG – Bedard speaks!
165: Lies! what did he have to say?
Like, “See you to-Morrow!”
Fox Sports is doing an exclusive interview with him tomorrow.
I was in too much shock to get the rest of it.
OK. Let us not get carried away here. One one run game doesn’t a good team make. The Ms have 40% of a starting rotation, 33% of a defense/lineup, 0% of a bench and a decent pen. But otherwise they are great.
Nice win.
Is the fact that we ARE now winning the main reason Lee Pelekoudas and Co. continue to tolerate Vidro and Sexson’s horribleness?
‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’.. so to speak?
Correlation IS causation for this crew.
Would it be so bad if Riggleman was the manager on more of a permenant basis?
Not nearly as bad as if they kept Pelekoudas on….I am halfway convinced that he’s part of the problem (though not as much as Armstrong and Lincoln)….More to the point, he probably wouldn’t buck them if Howchuck started messing with baseball decisions…
Jeff Clement: Drafted by Bill Bavasi ™.
Just thought I’d share.
(and I too thought the Big Cat was back when I first tuned in…)
well, postgame, RA Dickey said the Clubhouse Chemistry was real good right now, what with the winning.
the little bit I saw, he was cheerfuly answering the ‘who was your hero growing up’ question.
Pat Hentgen, it turns out.
My guess is it’d have to be an improvement to the mortuary that was under McVasi.
Considering he’s from a town not too far out of Ottawa, that’s not too surprising.
lost my bet
Fun fact for the day:
Vidro’s OPS is now lower than Cairo’s.
In one of the interviews, of RRS, I think, I thought I heard the heresy of: “There’s better communication between the players and the coaches now…”
Hm. Interesting. Remember the criticism of those two unnamed coaches after the Bavasi/McLaren cleaning-out, about the pitchers being more (hm, is the word “dedicated” accurate enough?) interested in winning than the hitters on this team?
Yeah, read it in the newspapers, hitters, that’s how your coaches communicate with you.
One hopes that the level of communication on this Mariners team has progressed beyond that in the past 2 weeks.
several of the players have commented on the improved communication, which is interesting as Mac was the conduit for player communication in his bench coach days …
This is bad…
We are now two games behind the Nationals in the race for last place.
(Well, 2 games ahead really, but you gert mt point.)
Can you imagine this rotation?
some other guy
The future is bright.
okay, that one sentence should be
Well, 2 games ahead really, but you get my point.
i heart USS mariner.