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Game 133, Twins at Mariners
A rare 1:40pm start!
Perkins v Feierabend.
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if it is Feierabend, can we go straight to happy hour?
Let’s break this winning streak!
Let’s not!
The front office and the team they put together have by-God earned the 100-loss distinction, and I want them to own it. Live it, LOVE IT! $100 million. 100 losses. It’s destiny.
Good Lord…I just realized I’m actually expecting the M’s to win again. I need a good talking-to. Or maybe a Silva start.
I think the ’08 Mariners are playing the ’07 Mariners today.
Feierabend stole my vowels.
I just realized Feierabend is a German name…literally “party evening”. Sweet. Let’s just hope the party’s for the M’s.
Why don’t they just play Raul in center?
Tie game! Alright Jose. That ball just barely got out. Sims calls it a lazy fly ball that just kept carrying.
I like Jose Lopez. He has been the most consistent hitter all year on this team and he seems to get hits at the right time. His defense is lacking tremendously but he is developing into a pretty decent hitter.
I just realized Feierabend is a German name…literally “party eveningâ€. Sweet. Let’s just hope the party’s for the M’s.
There is a bar in Seattle called Feierabend isn’t there?
Was that just fundamentally sound? By the Mariners?
A successful Mariner bunt! What are the odds on that.
Has anyone else noticed that all the hits for the Twins have been to left field? For those watching on TV….Were all of these legitimate hits, or Raul enhanced?
Typical M’s – two batters just walked, next batter swings at the first pitch for an infield grounder.
Typical M’s – two batters just walked, next batter swings at the first pitch for an infield grounder.
as I understand it, feierabend is colloquially ‘after the work day’ or (as we like to think of it) ‘happy hour’.
12-Yes, there is. It’s on Yale. Perhaps we should gather there for his next start and play M’s drinking games.
Jaeger shots for each misplayed bunt, or Yuni error anyone.
Haha… punto who just got picked off, kept mouthing “Balk! BALK!” after he was thrown out.
Unch don’t sink so.
this is one of those days when Rizzs is just rambling.
Pumpkin: Replay made me think it was a balk, too, but lefties rarely, if ever, get that called. Andy Petite is a great example of it, his pickoff motion screams “BALK!” even more than Feierabend’s.
back to back 7 inning starts on the cheap! How humiliating is this for Silva/Wash?
If you were watching TV, you’d get to hear Sims talk about how he shaves his head.
WTF is up with Green?
I think I may have mentioned before that Cesar doesn’t seem to like to let anyone else’s runners stay on base behind him.
oh, and re: that recent M’s radio commercial– has anyone ever heard anyone say ‘hum, baby’ when a pitcher strikes a batter out?
Yeah, Feierabend (the bar) is down by REI. It’s a sibling of Prost! (on Greenwood near 74th) and Die Bierstube (on Roosevelt just north of Ravenna). Feierabend has a full kitchen so it has the largest menu, but there are just a couple of small, awkwardly-placed TVs so it is a lousy place to watch games. Die Bierstube and Prost have very basic German pub food (wurst, pretzels, killer mustard) but they both are better set up for watching games with large flat screens (Die Bierstube is probably the better of the two from that perspective).
But the selection of real German beer on tap (all served in appropriate glassware) is fantastic at all of them.
Clement can hit lefties. Who would have thought?
Frick. That wasn’t especially all that close.
Denard Span, bane of Mariners.
When I see the wind refuse to caress the Angels flag in the outfield, it makes me happy.
Why does Raul swing at a 3-0 pitch in that spot? And why does he get a green light to swing at it? The chances of a HR or XBH (the only outcomes better than a walk, with a single being a wash) are so much smaller than the chances of said walk, and it’s not like someone like Cairo was on deck.
“this is one of those days when Rizzs is just rambling.”
Listening to Rick Rizzs ramble is analogous to listening to That Guy in a bar who insists on telling you about the most arcane details of his entire life.
M’s finally eliminated (per the MLB/ESPN definition I guess) in the divisional race, and they beat the Nationals there…