Game 138, Mariners at Rangers

DMZ · September 2, 2008 at 4:05 pm · Filed Under Mariners 

5:05, Feierabend vs McCarthy


27 Responses to “Game 138, Mariners at Rangers”

  1. msb on September 2nd, 2008 4:13 pm

    I love Larry Stone.

    Almost as much as I love Adrian Beltre.

  2. MattThompson on September 2nd, 2008 4:36 pm

    Larry Stone is indeed awesome. He was just on KJR making the same points as in the blog post. I wish the Times would give him a general baseball blog.

  3. scraps on September 2nd, 2008 5:15 pm

    Ugh. I approve very much of playing the callups, so applause for that point, but I hate his desire to use Beltre as a trade chip. First, it’s not a good idea to try to trade one of your best players in his prime: Beltre’s one of the guys you should be building around, not looking to try to move. Second, because Beltre is widely underrated, the team is unlikely to get fair value for him.

  4. MattThompson on September 2nd, 2008 5:37 pm

    I’d hate to move Beltre, too, but the Mariners won’t contend next year, nor are they likely to re-sign Beltre.

  5. msb on September 2nd, 2008 5:55 pm

    I wish the Times would give him a general baseball blog.

    bet he could have one if he wanted.

    hmm. I don’t think Ryan is really fooling the Rangers.

  6. MattThompson on September 2nd, 2008 6:03 pm

    bet he could have one if he wanted.

    I’m sure he could. His asides when filling in for Baker make it seem like it’s not his thing. But his entries are so much more well thought out, concise and easier to read than Baker’s rants that it makes me want to read Stone’s stuff more often than is possible in the dead-tree edition of the Times.

    Larry Stone rocks.

  7. MattThompson on September 2nd, 2008 6:16 pm


  8. msb on September 2nd, 2008 6:16 pm

    wonder if Texas would like a hard-hittin’ shortstop?

  9. MattThompson on September 2nd, 2008 6:22 pm

    I am willing to lay attractive odds that the guy in the Riddler getup is an employee of the Rangers. Just like the “bad-dancer” guy who used to show up nightly in the bleachers for the Mariners who danced to “Cotton-Eyed Joe.”

  10. maybemaybe on September 2nd, 2008 6:29 pm

    must be a slow day today. Nobody’s out there.

  11. DMZ on September 2nd, 2008 6:33 pm

    I’m building bike wheels while watching, so my hands are occupied.

  12. juneau_fan on September 2nd, 2008 6:33 pm

    Here? Or at the game? They did say that it’s a small crowd in Texas too.

    Game’s going fast, though.

  13. DMZ on September 2nd, 2008 6:38 pm

    I’m building the wheels here.

  14. msb on September 2nd, 2008 6:52 pm

    ah. Bad Dancer.

    he was at a game last year with his daughter, and danced for old times sake. She looked a little bemused by the whole thing.

    anyone remember the name of the occasional Safeco Field Organist?

  15. DMZ on September 2nd, 2008 6:53 pm

    You mean the scoreboard operator who pretends he’s playing an organ? Or something else?

  16. msb on September 2nd, 2008 6:57 pm

    yup. he had a fine name; a tribute to Mad Magazine IIRC.

  17. MattThompson on September 2nd, 2008 6:58 pm

    Yeah, I totally remember that “organist.” I remember being torn between thinking the team was insulting my intelligence, or trying to include me in some dumb inside joke. Either way, I’m glad to see him gone.

  18. msb on September 2nd, 2008 6:59 pm

    ah, I miss him. He’d obviously put a lot of time into his playing.

  19. Joe on September 2nd, 2008 7:05 pm

    Michael Young, Terrence Long would like to have a word with you.

  20. Jim_H on September 2nd, 2008 7:08 pm

    Man o’ Man they are seriously getting as many commercials in as they can….

  21. MattThompson on September 2nd, 2008 7:08 pm

    Wait, he had a fake name that referenced Mad magazine? Maybe the joke went several levels more deep than I gave it credit for.

    Still, the guy always looked so damn smug that I wanted to slug him. But, certainly, that was part of the joke.

    Sigh. Over-analysis of years-old peripheral Ms promotions. Is Morrow starting yet?

  22. HamNasty on September 2nd, 2008 7:23 pm

    Go team… or something.

  23. msb on September 2nd, 2008 7:27 pm

    Morrow vs. LH Pettitte
    RRS vs. RH Ponson
    Silva vs. RH Mussina

    and supposedly, Morrow is in on friday because Washburn has “an abdominal thing”

  24. Lauren, token chick on September 2nd, 2008 7:28 pm

    Fine, I admit it. I’m a fairweather fan. Or else just a beat-into-submission fan.

  25. MattThompson on September 2nd, 2008 7:32 pm

    Hello, Mr. Johnson. Welcome to the Major Leagues. Here’s a knuckleball for you to catch.

  26. MattThompson on September 2nd, 2008 7:37 pm

    and supposedly, Morrow is in on friday because Washburn has “an abdominal thing”

    That’s funny, because I get “an abdominal thing” each time Washburn pitches. Or is that a “gastrointestinal” thing?

    No, wait. it’s a “Why is he still a Mariner” thing. Which encompasses both of the above.

  27. msb on September 2nd, 2008 9:57 pm

    I decided to just post it, and let everyone work on their own jokes.

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