Moyer gets his first ring
DMZ · October 29, 2008 at 10:27 pm · Filed Under Mariners
Congrats. Well-deserved.
For us Mariner fans, I think we can all agree that it’s a shame it didn’t come with one of our great teams, but also that we can take some joy in seeing a pitcher we learned to appreciate here be a part of a World Series-winning club.
And another ring for Gillick, too, building his Hall of Fame case, and Greg Dobbs, so congrats to three Mariner alumni today.
couldn’t agree more – congrats Jamie – really one of the class acts of baseball.
Jamie Moyer age 45.
The Mariners time will come. In due time.
Yes, congrats to Jamie. It’s great to see, especially since he’s such a student of the game. It irks me though that Dobbs went somewhere else and became successful. Maybe Z-man will change that sort of thing.
Is Jamie going to retire now that he has a ring? I feel like the man has a couple three years left in him if he has the desire, but I wonder if he’ll want to end his career on a high note.
Congrats Jamie — a well-deserved honor!
Yep – congratulations Jamie, and enjoy the parade!
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Congrats, Jamie. We miss you.
Brilliant, just brilliant.
This sent me over to Baseball Reference to relive his 2001 postseason – 19 IP with just 12 hits and 3 walks allowed, and 15 SO.
The most unconventional ace in the history of baseball I would say. I guess him and Freddy split the Mariner Cy Young votes that year.
Winning the game Moyer started pretty much made the road to glory for the Phils much, much more manageable.
Doesn’t Doyle get a ring too? He played in 4 games.
I still remember a shut out he threw against Texas near the end of the 96 season as one of the funniest games I’ve ever seen. That Texas line up looked helpless.
And, the 97 season was done when he injured his forearm.
Remember how the guys running this site wanted someone to break Moyer’s knee caps to keep him from pitching in the 2000 play offs? He seemed so *over* way back then.
up to a week or so back, he said he planned to play in 2009 — he’ll be a free agent, and the thought seems to be the Phillies try to bring him back
Dobbs. Look at that. He was the laughing stock of USSM when he was an M and now look at him. He’s done well for himself, don’t you think?
Laughing stock? Not so much. But whatever.
My favorite Ms pitcher ever, Mr. Moyer, gets a ring. That’s awesome. He should retire on this great accomplishment. It would be a great way to go out.
I know a lot of America wanted the Rays to win because of the Cinderella story, and a lot of the community here wanted the Rays too because of how the team is run, but I for one was rooting for the Phillies the day they made the playoffs.
Congrats Jamie!
Now it hopefully won’t take The King that long to get his first ring…and may we all pray right now that it’s with the Ms…
I can’t think of any ex-Mariner that would make me happier to see him get a ring.
As much as I wanted to see the Rays win, I am also happy that Jamie got a ring and more importantly, pitched a great game including an all out effort going to first that will hopefully be captured on film and in our memories for many years to come.
Just for — well, not fun, but something — I went back and looked at the last several years’ worth of references to Greg Dobbs on this site. I’ll grant, he wasn’t a USSM favorite, and I doubt they would have predicted that he’d hit as well as he has in Philly (though remember, that’s in the weaker league, in a better hitting environment; there’s a fair bit of air in those numbers compared to Safeco), but he was far from a “laughing stock” [sic] around these parts.
Do you think All Star Auto glass paid World Series champion prices for that Jamie Moyer commercial?
well, as he owns the business, I’m guessing he didn’t get paid for the ad
Jamie Moyer!
I think he keeps pitching until he’s no longer effective. 4 or 5 more years and he could get to 300 wins…
Here’s a thought: ex-Mariner Greg Dobbs now has more World Series rings than ex-Mariners ARod, Griffey, and Edgar combined. Justice, your name is not baseball.
well, as he owns the business, I’m guessing he didn’t get paid for the ad
I’m not sure how it works for commercials, but I suspect that to produce the commercial they probably used at least some union folks, which means he probably had to be paid scale.
Dobbs. Look at that. He was the laughing stock of USSM
Either you aren’t familiar with the USSM discussions of Dobbs at all, or you’ve got an agenda that you’re pursuing regardless of the facts. Either way, you’re creating a bit of a laughing stock yourself. You do know you’re posting in public, right?
Bring back Jamie!
The guys a winner! We should never have let him go.
[have any of these remarks been spotted for real from local sports pundits?]
Congratulations to Jamie though. He was always one of my favorite players.
Bing Crosby is supposed to have said something along the lines of: “I’m popular because, the way I sing, I make anyone think they can be a singer”.
I feel the same way about Moyer: If he can sustain a 20 year career as a starter and win a world series without ever throwing harder than many high school pitchers – well, we all ought to be able to do it.
Congratulations Jamie!
Never does the expression “Good things come to those who wait.” ring more true in my mind.
Nice to see one of the “good guys” get a ring!
Thank god Chris Widger wasn’t around to ruin it for Jamie this time.
Ah, what might have been…
Congrats Moyer; you’ve earned it.
I take offense to this comment.
I’m a lifelong Phillies fan (I live in NJ) who became a Mariners fan in the early ’90s due to my love for Edgar and Griffey. For a while there with the great teams around the turn of the century (and a decade of Phillies team failures), I followed the M’s from a distance much more closely than the Phillies. And I would marvel at the success that a “small market” team like Seattle had achieved while the Phillies just floundered under weak and ineffectual leadership.
Now that the tide has turned, I can only say that the Mariners time will eventually come as well, because I never, ever expected the Phillies to be the first of my teams to win a World Series. I didn’t even expect to win it all this year, right up until the last out. Such is life as a Phillies fan.
I’m ecstatic for Jamie. I’m glad for Dobbs and Gillick. And I’m happy to be a baseball fan. And although is a great Phillies blog, ussmariner has remained daily reading for me, even during their horrible season and has kept my love for all things M’s as strong as ever (but not quite as strong as my love for the Phillies right now, of course)
Hooray!!! Jamie got his ring!
Though I haven’t always agreed with New York Vinnie over the years, I liked what he once said about Jamie’s velocity/location: “Any of us could hit Jamie Moyer…but do we where he’s going to throw it?”
apparently he talked the grounds crew into letting him dig up the pitching rubber after the game
MSB — That’s awesome! Hey, fans have taken home seats from old stadiums and arenas before the wrecking ball hits, so why not!
I liked that he did the digging…. and man, those things are large
Congrats to Jamie, Pat and Greg. Dobber is perfect for a NL bench player. He can adequately play 3b, 1b and the corners. That makes him a useful too, particularly since he was one of the NL’s best PH guys. If I knew my career was as a bench/PH guy, I’d want to be in the NL. It gives them more opportunity for success.
Maybe Jamie can hurl that pitching rubber thru a car windshield in his next All-Star Auto Glass spot!
I have nothing realy to add. I coudn’t be happier for Jamie Moyer and his family. It’s nice to see good things happen to good people.
Somebody refresh my memory…why the hell did we give up on Greg Dobbs…and what exactly did we get in return for Moyer and Dobbs?
Probably rhymes with ‘hero’
Wow. I had no clue the rubber was so big. I guess that keeps it in place, eh?
Just joining the chorus. I really was rooting for the young Rays and like others couldn’t root against Jamie. Getting that ring couldn’t happen to a nicer guy — and watching him pitch that WS game was a delight (frustrating, but delightful).
Late Edit: Michael Garciaparra claimed by Phillies off waivers. Now he can hang out with Greg Dobbs. When Gillick gets a mancrush on a bad player, he doesn’t let go.
PBS is running the Ken Burns “Baseball” series again, and last night they aired the segment from the 40s covering Jackie Robinson and the Negro leagues. There was a quote about Satchel Paige, when he finally debuted as the oldest “rookie” ever for the Cleveland Indians, that described him using his pitches to school hitters half his age in how much they didn’t know and how much they had not yet seen (I wish I had the DVDs so I could write it down exactly). It sounded exactly like Jamie Moyer.
Maybe they’ll let Jamie come back and pitch 3 innings when he’s 59 like Satchel did in 1965 (to qualify for his pension). But I doubt he’ll be able to no-hit the Red Sox over 9 outs like Paige did. He probably won’t be throwing any slower, though.
apparently he talked the grounds crew into letting him dig up the pitching rubber after the game
Now the question is whether Karen will let him bring it into bed with them. “When I said seven kids was enough, this wasn’t the solution I had in mind!”
Wow. I had no clue the rubber was so big. I guess that keeps it in place, eh?
Big men need big rubbers.
A cymbal roll for that post, Joser!
Jamie Moyer is absolutely amazing. The fact that he has the physical and mental ability to go out to the mound at 45 is incredible.
It will be interesting to see how long this can continue.
Are 275 wins possible?