Peace out
Guillermo Quiroz
Ron Wright
Raul Chavez
Arquimedez Pozo
Zak Shinall
Luis DeLeon
If you didn’t figure it out already, that’s a list of players that only played one game for the Mariners. It’s a fitting parallel because after joining the USSM crew just a few months ago, I already have to say goodbye.
There is a silver lining, however. The reason I won’t be able to write here anymore is because I’ve been hired by Baseball America! After six months as an editorial intern, they offered me a job and accepting it was a no-brainer. I’ve absolutely loved it out here and am excited to be on board full time, covering the draft.
Anybody want to buy my car? I’ll even throw in the “I’d Rather Be Reading” license plate frame!
Congrats! At least you made it longer than Aaron Heilman …
Let me be the second to publicly congratulate Conor. He’s been a valuable member of the USSM community for long before he joined the writing staff, and he did a great job for us in his time as an author. Baseball America is a better organization for having hired him.
Also, this means he’s sticking around in NC. I guess we’re just going to have to have a USSM event out here pretty soon.
Absolutely! Jeff Shaw’s here, too. Maybe we can even convince Jason to drive up from the ATL.
Good work Conor! Baseball America is awesome and I bid you the best of luck there.
Congratulations, Conor! I suspect Baseball America just got exponentially better…I’ll be checking your work out, I wish ya all the best.
Ron Wright deserved so much better.
So did Arquimedez Pozo, imho.
My congrats to Baseball America as well — they were lucky to lure Conor away . . .
. . . what, you mean we’re congratulating Conor? Well, yes, congratulations to you also.
Congratulations, Conor, I enjoyed your posts here a great deal. BA knows talent when they see it.
Sweet! Congratulations, Conor.
Good job Connor! I hope they gave you a big raise! I hope to see your future work as well.
Congratulation, Conor! What a blessing to be offered such an awesome job – something you are both passionate about and good at! All the hard work is paying off, and we all wish you nothing but the best.
Beer and a movie is on me next time, man. Super congrats!
Congrabulations, Conor. Go kick some ass.
So, about this car… Please describe!
Congratulations Conor!
From the first day you arrived here I always enjoyed your positive outlook on things (I can’t remember you calling any of the Mariner braintrust an idiot for making idiotic player transactions – and I found that very refreshing). Have a great time at Baseball America!
Um, OK. So do we get cash in the deal? A blogger to be named later? Shannon Drayer? (OK, that was a stretch.) Seriously, congratulations. I always resolve to follow baseball closely but then work/running/singing/writing/socializing/aaaahhhh gets in the way. So I admire people who can make a living at it. I’ve also enjoyed the different “voice” you’ve brought to the discussion and analysis here. I wish you the best.
Although my contribution has been pretty much naught, I have enjoyed reading what you’ve had to say, and I am in full agreement with everyone that you will be a valuable asset to Baseball America.
Best of luck.
P.S. Can I get a license plate like that? I bet it would sell decently.
P.S. Can I have the license plate frame at least? I have a license plate frame that helped save my life. Really. Loooong story. But in this case I’d really just like to promote the site.
That is perfect! I am actually looking for a car right now.
Congrates! Good luck!
Congrats to Conor. Another reason why this offseason has been great.
Great news, Conor. That must be a kind of dream job. I’m sure they’ll appreciate your dedication.
Congratulations, Conor. You deserve it.
Eventually, all the smart people are going to get hired away from USSM, and I’m going to have to learn to become an analyst.
Congrats, Conor, Baseball America is lucky to have you.
Congrats again Conor! I know we already talked on fbook but I wanted to add my voice to everybody wishing you well. Funny how we worked together for one week at the Trib and within a year, we were both thousands of miles away with new writing adventures but still in touch. I’m asking for a BA subscription for my birthday so I can read your stuff.
Congratulations Conor!
Whatever happened to suffering for your art? Geesh….
Seriously, congrats. It’s always a pleasure to watch someone have success with their passion.
Very cool news!
And, I must add, living in Nashville I would be very much interested in a southeast/NC USSMariner event.
and remember, just because you are otherwise occupied, doesn’t mean you can’t drop by and say hi… or more.
Thanks for the kind words, everybody! If you want to know more about the car, drop me a line: cglassey (gmail)
I’m thinking Conor needs something else with the “I rather be reading USS” on it for his desk.
As one Conor to another, congratulations! I hope you love every minute of it, man. You truly deserve what you’ve earned with this.
He was offered arbitration, right? So we get a high pick from BA in the blogger draft next summer, right?
Conor, congrats, and best of luck in the new gig!
Good luck, and throw yourself into the dream. Some of us find it isn’t as perfect as imagined, but it will always beat finding a “real” job. Even if it comes to the worst, you’ll love it long enough to come up with a new dream. Happiness trumps ambition.
/now on his second dream job, is ready to fight tooth and nail to preserve it
And I just want to clarify, I wasn’t trying to be negative about the job, I don’t think it will turn out wrong for you Conor.
I just think it’s wonderful when someone gets, and reaches for, that chance. Always keep reaching for what you want, even if it changes. For instance, Dave and I started at, and are striving in, essentially opposite directions.
Conor… doesn’t it sting just a bit that you’re leaving just as this team might be going in the right direction? Just thought I’d throw that out there…
Congratulations doesn’t say enough, really. You don’t really need that from us. It’s your hard work, dedication and natural talent that has gotten you where you’re headed.
I knew there were big things from you when I met you outside of SafeCo Field when you had just started out at CWU. We maybe spent 10 minutes talking, but i just had that feeling you weren’t going to let anything stop you and had what it took to get there. And I don’t expect anything less of you now that you’re headed to the big time. I wish you all the best and look forward to reaping the rewards of what you’ll do in your new venture.
Aaron on January 30th, 2009 8:21 pm
Ron Wright deserved so much better.
Hear! Hear! Had it not been for KENNY ROGERS’ fielding, that triple play might have been an RBI single, and had it not been for REUBEN SIERRA’s “village idiot” antics (and possibly the 1B coach), that would have been a simple double play.
Bye, bye, Conor; we’ll miss you.
It was fun while it lasted. Congrats, Conor, and good luck at BA!
Is obtaining the new gig related to the car sale, or is that just incidental? In any case, congrats, Conor, and don’t forget to write about how the Mariners are due to kick ass in a couple years.
Technically, they did. I went from being an unpaid intern to being a paid staff member.
You can’t tease a story like this—that’s not fair. Tell me the story and I’ll tell you how to get a license plate frame.
I would love to order a USSM coffee mug…but the CafePress store isn’t what it used to be. I propose a new batch of USSM merch should be produced for the Zduriencik era. I also need a new hoodie.
Nah…I’m still a fan!
It’s related. My wife’s will be moving out here and we’re going to try and make it with a car and a bike.
Congrats on the new gig Conor! And thanks for your all of your good, unpaid work here. Best of luck at BA.
Congrats on the gig, Conor!
I’ll have to tell my east coast relatives to keep an extra eye on their garden gnomes
Why does every author who stops posting on USSM regularly sell their car? I’ve heard good things about JMB’s Jetta
Congrats Conor. On a sidenote, I had no idea you were a fellow Central Alum. Nice.
Congrats on your new gig, Conor!
One game, three at bats, six outs recorded. You’re career has already been substantially better than Ron Wright’s. Good luck moving forward.