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Not quite sure I understand it, but it was a good laugh. haha
This is the video I watched yesterday after spending all the time working on the site that defused my desire to strangle someone.
This will probably earn me a lifetime ban, but egads, DMZ, i dread your posts. This video has been circulating the interwebs for months now. Your post about the site getting exploited was bush-league. More Dave please. I can go to Digg for this type of shit.
Thanks man, that’s awesome. I’ll remember that the next time I’m trying to keep the site up so you can complain about it.
Yeah, man…I’m like really drunk and even I know that was a dickish response to what was, at minimum, a pretty comical movie.
I personally accepted it as a sort of abstract representation of the Mariners’ attempt to defeat the Angels tonight. They might now know why they want to get into the box…or how to do it. But jump into the box they shall. Yes they shall!!
it’s a whimsical video about cats, if you don’t like it don’t watch. i didn’t entirely understand the post about the russian overlords either, but i respected the hell out of the fact that he had to do a bunch of work to keep the site working so i could surf onto here drukn and be pumped the m’s won. word.
DMZ, it made my night after a rough day. Thanks. And Noonan, that was pretty bush-league yourself. Lets not get hypicritical now…
Noonan, don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.
My own thought is: for a fairly-large tabby, that cat’s got some ups.
I wonder how many times the cat jumped into that box before it got good and satisfied. LOL
What’s worse: A lifetime ban or a lifetime of living in retardation? You tell us, Noonan.
Thanks for the funny-ass video, DMZ. It made my night a little better and it made me remember why cats aren’t totally worthless. Also, GO MARINERS!
Who’s to say he can’t have both?
Noonan, remind me again what it was you did that enhanced the quality of my life?
Damn…I want Maru to play shortstop for us. A big improvement over Yuni!
Hate to go all Lookout Landing, but…
fuck you.
(Feel free to moderate that. It had to be said.)
I was say that until I saw your post, JLP.
I don’t like to beat dead horses.. well, why the hell not?
Noonan, when you decide to write a book you don’t get paid much for, and donate your time to a blog that earns you nothing, all to bring some enlightenment and entertainment to a bunch of strangers – then make your own blog and show us how to be classy.
Until then, get boned.
That cat reminded me of Tony Hawk in his prime. I dislike cats in general, but that cat is pretty cool. I wish my Beagle would just get off her ass once in a while.
Maru vs. box…hmmm…much like the proverbial “gun over the mantlepiece” that must be fired by the end of the first act…
I.e.: you just know it’s going to happen!
Very cute!
Never posted before, but Noonan pissed me off so badly that i went and registered just to tell him to eat a bag of ____.
That cat rules, and I learned more about code in 5 minutes of reading his post about this weekend’s happenings than i did in 2 months of having my own site built by a professional.
USSM rocks my world on a daily basis. I have to come here to take refuge from the typical Boise Mariner Fan who loves Yuniesky because he’s ‘cute’ and thinks the occasional Griffey home run justifies the roster spot.
Thanks to Dave and Derek(sp?) for all they do to bring sanity to the insane world of sports fandom.
Carry on. (Except Noonan.)
People like Noonan are what is wrong with the internet. If you feel like being anonymous makes it OK to stop being civil to people.. you’re wrong.
Don’t be a dick.
Derek spent I have no idea how many hours tracking down some pretty nasty gremlins (I only saw the effects on my office connection, which blocked all the crap, but I could tell it was there because there were reams of white space) in order to keep up our ability, for free, to join together as Mariners fans and receive his and Dave’s wisdom.
I can’t imagine the video he’d have posted if the M’s had blown both these games. That he could post this one tells me he’s someone whose head is on a lot straighter than mine.
Happy Caturday to you too, Derek. I’m glad the evil overlords at Lookout Landing aren’t here to harsh our awesome-cat-video buzz. Someone slap a caption on Maru, stat.
I saw it similarly, but more like the abstract approach to hitting… or Noonan and his interpretation of blogging.
People like Noonan are what is wrong with the internet.
Couldn’t have said it better. Well, JLP did, I guess.
Ok…so I guess I must be the only one who thought this reading the comments, but I thought this was a perfect representation of the game. I saw it as a stunningly brilliant metaphor. Maybe I’m crazy, or maybe DMZ is an accidental genius.
DMZ and Dave: you guys rock
Noonan: you suck
Maru: super cute
I guess what I’m trying to say can best be expressed mathematically:
(Dave + DMZ) > Maru > Price of beer at Safeco > Yuniball > Bobby Ayala > Noonan
Cute name, “Maru”…isn’t that Japanese for “circle”?
Been like ten years since I took Japanese, so if I’m wrong, anyone please feel free to refute.
Heck, I named my pet “Go-Go”!
I figured the Cat was either one of a couple of metaphors:
a) The Cat was the win, which is a moment of unexpected joy for all watching and all involved.
b) The Cat is Felix and how he could make his goals more reachable if he took the advice of others.
c) The Cat is the Mariner’s bats and their struggles and the joy at their eventual triumph.
d) The video is a reminder that baseball is a meditation on struggles, goals, victories, failures and the simple joy in experience life.
That is just off the top of my head. I could go on but it would have to wait until morning.
Kitties are funny.
How many extra inning games is that for the season?
We won tonight but jesus this is getting old!
e) The cat is Derek and the box is the server, and he had to jump in and out a whole bunch of times in order to get it working again. After studying the problem from a nearby coffee table perspective.
I believe someone on this site passed along a theory that “otherwise decent people plus the anonymity of being on the internet equals people acting like dicks.” I really hope that is the case here.
But yeah, I could watch that video all day.
You should have been a humanities major. Just add some postmodern drivel some citations and the above post could get you published in a major arts journal.
or invent an new word or two, and you’ve got a thesis.
Thank you, Derek.
Forgive the harsh language, but I’m long past fed up with ignorant shits like Noonan…
Derek, I applaud the work you do to keep this site running, and you can post here as much as you like as far as I’m concerned.
Oh, and I (finally) bought a copy of The Cheater’s Guide the other day (along with a copy of The Book, but that’s besides the point). Go buy yourself a beer with the little bit of money you made off that, Derek
Apparently I’m not the only one was expecting a metaphor to accompany the video.
The only thing I could come up with was: “You’re the weak, and I’m the tyranny of evil men”.
Anywho, keep up the good work, Derek. Most of us appreciate it.
This cat appeasr to have some moves. Does he play shortstop?
Derek – seriously, thanks for all the hard work you put into this site. The amount of dedication you guys have for this place is not lost on all of us. I know that in addition to the excellent analysis you churn out, there’s a shiton of crappy behind the scenes headaches such as this week’s hacking that you have to deal with…. So thank you.
As for the cat – that seriously cracked me up. That’s why I like cats. And I don’t really keep up on interweb memes/fads, so it was new to me.
Noonan – piss off.
I love love love love this video. I haven’t laughed so hard in a while. I’m glad to know there really isn’t a metaphor attached because I didn’t get it,
Thanks for all the hard work keeping this site up and running, I think I speak for everyone when I say I appreciate what you guys do to keep this wonderful site going,
That cat did show great athletic ability, jumping into and then out of the box.
This cat video is a brilliant avant-garde commentary on the Mariners. They should use it for the Mariners’ famed commercials. It would be hilarious seeing the “WTF” reaction of the average fan to this commercial.
Mariners Baseball–just like a cat jumping into a box.
Your post about the site getting exploited was bush-league. More Dave please. I can go to Digg for this type of shit
I’m sure that digg will be happy to have you.
Come back when you don’t mind someone having a little fun on their blog.
Actually I had an Ichiro! analogy regarding the cat video but lost my train of thought on my last comment.
Damn me and my short atention span!