Game 150, Yankees at Mariners
DMZ · September 20, 2009 at 12:22 pm · Filed Under Mariners
Chamberlain v Snell. I was hoping to see the lineups, but what the hey. Last game against a juggernaut team before season’s end: Tampa and Texas are good, but they’re not insanely great like this Yankee team.
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Baker has them here
and the note “Kenji Johjima has a bruised left knee after taking a foul tip yesterday, while Rob Johnson has maybe the weird injury of the season. He sprained his left ankle jumping up and down, celebrating Ichiro’s walk-off homer on Friday. Apparently, he landed in the hole that batters dig in the right-hand batter’s box and twisted the ankle. Only in baseball. Adam Moore gets the start by process of elmination.”
No Kenji… No Johnson… I like it.
If Ichiro had hurt himself while back peddling away from his teammates, that would have been terrible.
A lot of time has been spent on the broadcast debating whether the AL MVP should go to Mauer or Teixeira. My favorite comment was by Dave Niehaus when he completely skipped over the OPS stat on screen.
Wouldn’t it have been better to just let Hannahan be the everyday SS and save that Jack Wilson/Ian Snell money to go after a 3B or truly upgrade the rotation?
Woohoo…getting to Joba early!
Congrats, Adam Moore!
that last game it seemed as though he’d never get away from the ss
Good eye there, Guti…
Wonder if they heard about the Yanks stocking champagne in the visitor’s clubhouse today?
Hmmm…wonder how many teams down through the history of professional sports have gotten burned by the old “champagne in the visitor’s clubhouse” curse?
Have fun shipping that bubbly with you on the team charter, ya jerks. Don’t open any, it’d be bad luck.
Even better, they are all claiming they won’t do the champagne thing when they clich
Uh-oh…the insulation ball, er, cotton candy vendor almost got pegged by that foul tip.
On FOX, the announcers in the Seahawks game are touting that the playoffs are “unscripted.” Does that make them a reality TV series?
It’s funny…the more the Faux announcers say that “you can’t script October”, the less I believe them.
Meanwhile, another stellar post-season “tune-up” for Joba…ha-ha!
I want to see Jr complete the cycle
Nice…on the radio side just a bit ago, you could hear somebody yelling “You’re an idiot!” on mic behind Niehaus…
Wonder who the idiot was who did that?
Yelling at Dave Niehaus? At Safeco field?
That ought to have serious consequences.
One of the funniest incidental things I’ve ever heard on mic over the years was during a game against the White Sox at Comiskey/US Cellular when, during a lull between pitches, you could hear some meathead yelling at his buddies “Hey you guys…did you see the Cubs lost today?!” — to which his equally meatheaded buddies all responded with a roaring “Yaaayy!”
Mike Carp, with his best John Olerud impersonation…Woweee!
“Defensive change for the Yank-Os”
I wonder if they’ve ever considered a Yankee cereal.
I’m sure they have.
Soulless devils, obsessed with money, fame and success. How we hate them.
Hmmm…let’s see…pinstriped box, a different pic of your favorite Yankee player every month…a free collectible baseball card in every specially-marked box…gee, what a great marketing idea!
The NY Yankees, the Wolfram & Hart of Baseball – unchangeable from the inside and to all appearances impossible to defeat in an extended campaign.
Damn. I love that.
Nice pinball, nice. I love the reference, fairly apropos.
Well, considering that this series was basically the M’s “post-season” for this year, taking two out of three from the Yanks at home is pretty nice…
Just four more to get to 82, guys!
What’s Adam Moore’s CERA now?
His CW-L is 2-0.
For anyone who missed Sims this weekend, he’s on the radio play-by-play for tonight’s Giants-Cowboys game on 950KJR.
I know some of you aren’t his biggest fans, but he is an excellent play-by-play man for football. He’s much better at giving the radio crowd the illustration of what’s happening than most of the hacks you get run out on the radio these days.
cdowley, I couldn’t agree more. He does the kind of play-by-play for football I wish he’d do for baseball, just letting the action paint the picture instead of pushing something at you.
Don’t forget that you get a kid’s size can of Cream or Clear with every purchase. Oh, and if you get a special box, you win the chance to spread lies about Dave Winfield.
Every box for the last 10 years has promised a ring inside, and they keep coming up empty.
How true…
You might as well buy Cracker Jacks instead…at least you always get one of those cheap plastic “rings” at the bottom of every box!
It’s amazing how many empty seats there were at the game. But still enough NY mix in the crowd to remind me why I don’t miss most cities on the Eastcoast…
My son and I took a walk to the empty RT field upper deck during the later innings. Some obnoxious NY fan was sitting there, alone, filling up at least a couple seats. When Ichiro came up, he said loudly, “Fwuckin hit em.”. Yeah, he wanted to throw at Ichiro.
Fucking NY asshole.
not any more … you might swallow them.
Every box now has a stupidass folding paper “prize”.
Is Snell a decent fielder? ‘Cause I think an awesome nickname for him would be “The Glove.”
Snell The Glove.