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Felix Signs!
Dave · January 19, 2010 at 7:05 am · Filed Under Mariners
It’s party time. Francisco Blavia reports that the deal is for 5 years, $78 million.
Happy Felix Half Decade.
86 Responses to “Felix Signs!”
thr33niL on
January 19th, 2010 9:47 am
PS: I was at his first start at Safeco, and was super-excited. The people around me had no idea who was pitching that day. I’m sure they have some idea now.
I remember that like it was yesterday!
I made sure to get 2nd row on the 3rd base line for that start. You’re totally right in that nobody had a clue who he was. I couldn’t count the times I heard people around me asking “whos this guy pitching?”.
I had to hold myself back to not scream at them for being dunderheads.
Happy day!
Willmore2000 on
January 19th, 2010 9:49 am
Any thoughts on how this deal and Lowe’s 1.15 one year deal affect the remainder of our budget for this year?
Don’t get too worried about that initial offer. By all accounts both sides had never exchanged actual numbers, and the M’s made theirs as “here’s our starting point: the numbers, you get into free agency in four years, we still buy out the arb years…” and they went from there. And when you consider they’re buying the arb years, that 4/45 doesn’t look so insulting.
We had to know that the first person to put actual terms out would be extremely tentative: either the team’s starting number would be low or the other side’s starting years/$ would be staggeringly huge.
joser on
January 19th, 2010 10:00 am
In time, under estimate, job done. This is really the cherry on top of the sundae of unexpected delight that has been this offseason.
For the Z-Crew the difficult is made to seem easy and the impossible is harder but doable.
The improbable (Lee) they do right away. The impossible (Felix) takes a little longer.
Almost as awesome as the USS Mariner server staying up through all this…
True dat. Have there been some stealth upgrades?
So far this off-season almost every single one of my “pie in the sky†wishes has come to fruition. We obtained a legitimate “Number 2″ pitcher (and how), Gutierrez was signed long term, and now Felix is a Mariner long enough so that if I were to have a child in the next 9-months, I’d be able to instill an appreciation for Venezuelan pitching in said theoretical child before the King hits free-agency again.
And on top of that, you had a theoretical child! Congratulations! (Actually, considering there’s no such thing as a practical child, aren’t all children by definition theoretical?)
I’d stick around to heap yet more praise on the whole Front Office, but there’s this #34 jersey I’ve had my eye on…
Chavac on
January 19th, 2010 10:15 am
I give credit to Z for locking him up for 5 more without crippling the team, but I think the real props go to Felix on this one. He could have snubbed his nose and bid his time till landing a huge East coast contract. Instead, he takes less money and sticks with the PNW and his fans. Kudos to the King.
joser on
January 19th, 2010 10:20 am
Don’t get too worried about that initial offer.
Yeah, in negotiations it’s entirely about the context. If the atmosphere is congenial both sides can start with “insulting” numbers without either side getting insulted — it’s just business. Unless you’re actually in the room or are personally acquainted with the people involved and have an honest idea of how they feel about each other and the spirit in which they approached the deal, you really can’t judge it from random quotes that might escape the room.
Felix’ father apparently owns a trucking business (you want to talk about tough negotiations?), so I expect he taught him a thing or two about how this works. And Felix is by all accounts happy and comfortable with the Mariners and the direction the team is going. This is the only baseball family he’s ever known, and now it is well-led and going somewhere. That counts for a lot too.
Don’t forget Wil Polidor is also Franklin Gutierrez’ agent, so it was a busy and successful time for that side of the table too. (Interestingly, he was also a joint representative for Randy Johnson, so I have to assume that conversation did happen, at least in passing)
Good job by Jack Z and his team getting the deal done, but honestly, I don’t think it was a “steal”.
firova2 on
January 19th, 2010 11:02 am
A great day for the Mariners and their fans. Can the broadcasters go ahead and call him King now? I wonder whether this will have any impact on Cliff Lee. Makes sense that he would opt for free agency, but he can’t help but notice what is going on with first Gutierrez and now El Rey Hernandez signing long-term. He’ll certainly need to get comfortable in his new baseball home. Maybe Wakamatsu and Buhner should take him on a hunting/fishing trip so he’s not so tempted by some team closer to his home in Arkansas.
noproblempablo on
January 19th, 2010 11:03 am
How’s that Lackey deal looking now, Theo? Mwahahahahahahahahaha!
Mid80sRighty on
January 19th, 2010 11:11 am
Maybe Wakamatsu and Buhner should take him on a hunting/fishing trip so he’s not so tempted by some team closer to his home in Arkansas.
Shouldn’t be too difficult to show him the hunting/fishing is much better in Washington State.
Jack Zduriencik favors win/win deals in every move he makes. This is one.
henryv on
January 19th, 2010 11:16 am
So, does this finish the M’s spending off for this year?
Or is it possible that a Cliff Lee deal of 3 years and $55-60 million still possible? I know he probably doesn’t plan on staying here, but… Heck, we signed Felix and Franky, why not dream?
nepacific on
January 19th, 2010 11:21 am
Maybe now that Z knows how much he has left to spend, we will see a free agent signing or two. Or maybe he’s still saving up for mid-season.
As for Cliff Lee, I wouldn’t think he’d want to sign until he had an idea if (a) he was comfortable here, and (b) the team looked as if it could get him back to October.
vj on
January 19th, 2010 11:24 am
Maybe Wakamatsu and Buhner should take him on a hunting/fishing trip so he’s not so tempted by some team closer to his home in Arkansas.
Shouldn’t be too difficult to show him the hunting/fishing is much better in Washington State.
Do not underestimate the fishing and hunting opportunities in the great state of Arkansas!
wabbles on
January 19th, 2010 11:43 am
The only down side to all this, of course, is that in a mere 30 days pitchers and catchers report to spring training and then in the first week of April the regular season starts and this wonderful, wonderful, wonderful off-season will be over!
Looking forward to seeing Felix in a Mariners uniform for years to come.
dallin on
January 19th, 2010 12:15 pm
I literally shouted for joy when i read this! Thanks Jack!
harry on
January 19th, 2010 12:36 pm
Jack Z could not humiliate the Bavasi regime more thoroughly, were that his objective. This is amazing news.
stone0919 on
January 19th, 2010 12:40 pm
What a steal!!!!! Magic Jack does it again.
joser on
January 19th, 2010 12:41 pm
But I don’t understand why so many people here think this is a “cheap†signing for the M’s.
It’s a fair deal for both sides, as Mathew posted on LL prior to the signing:
Good job by Jack Z and his team getting the deal done, but honestly, I don’t think it was a “stealâ€.
Only Henryv used the term “steal” (and he added “and a half and a half” — I don’t know how the associative/commutative properties of “steals” work but it’s possible that adds up to zero “steals” …ie a win-win). The reason a lot of people consider this such a good deal is because many were worried that the negotiations would drag out and the team might be forced to trade Felix or, with their backs to the wall, pony up so much that it wouldn’t be a good deal. You might argue that Zduriencik wouldn’t let that happen (and as it turns out you’d be right) but we’re still living in the shadow of Bavasi, who would.
In the dark of our worst fears, a “fair” deal looks like a victory. Even after a year of Jack, we’re still not used to it. And I hope they continue, and we never do.
Violinguy72 on
January 19th, 2010 12:42 pm
Jack Z brings to life what other GMs only dream of.
I feel like I’m suddenly in an alternative universe. Since when is it the Mariners who lock up the future? My two favorite M’s will be in teal and blue for a long, long time.
lesch2k on
January 19th, 2010 1:34 pm
i also give Dr. Z credit for convincing/ bribing /asking / luckily getting Johjima back to Japan.
nathaniel dawson on
January 19th, 2010 1:41 pm
a Cliff Lee deal of 3 years and $55-60 million still possible?
I’m not sure it would be a good idea to have two big long-term contracts for pitchers on the Mariners payroll. Pitchers represent a huge risk, more so than postition players. While Felix is probably a less risky move than most pitchers, having two contracts like that might not be such a good idea.
Breadbaker on
January 19th, 2010 2:16 pm
I’m not sure it would be a good idea to have two big long-term contracts for pitchers on the Mariners payroll. Pitchers represent a huge risk, more so than postition players. While Felix is probably a less risky move than most pitchers, having two contracts like that might not be such a good idea.
Tom Tango has an interesting post today about how insurance on players’ contracts works in baseball and suggesting that all the insurance be allocated to pitchers and injury-prone regulars.
bcsimons on
January 19th, 2010 2:31 pm
The more you think about this deal the better it gets. For one you get arguably the best young pitcher in the Majors and two with his signing the signing of Chone Figgins and Gutierrez and the control Ichiro you have a solid base that will be around to build off of for a long while. And with the acquisition of Milton Bradley you have a player who will easily help tide you over until next years free agency in which yu have outfielders like Jayson Werth possibly on the market. This is not mentioning Cliff Lee. So while the mariners may only have a shot at winning their division this year they are keeping their top players for the long run which gives them time to improve and not have to worry about certain positions.
Techno_Viking- on
January 19th, 2010 4:37 pm
M’s best off-season ever! Hopefully it’s not quite over yet but I still can’t wait for spring training and regular season, I’m going through baseball withdrawals.
themojoworkin on
January 19th, 2010 4:50 pm
Does anyone know our current spending on next year’s roster? Do we have any $$$ left to sign another SP (high upside)?
uw2010 on
January 19th, 2010 4:55 pm
A couple years back I worked at the Best Buy in Bellevue as a summer job. We actually had a fair amount of local athletes come in, and sure enough Felix showed up one day with his family. Out of all the athletes that came in, he was by far the nicest (and most talented, of course). He was very polite, and just watching him interact with his family, you could tell he was very grounded for his age. The thing that actually surprised me the most was that after buying all his things and taking them out in a cart to his car, he made the effort to bring the cart all the way back into the store and stack it with the other carts. This may not seem like a big deal, but if you know anything about the Bellevue Best Buy, it kind of has a long parking lot with no real cart corral area, so at the end of the day we get stuck having to go out and round up all the carts that get scattered throughout the lot (and home depot’s lot). Hardly anyone ever takes the time to bring the carts back into the store, and just that little gesture on his part told me a lot about the kind of person he is. He seemed very down-to-earth, and I’m ecstatic that my favorite mariner will be here for at least another 5 years.
As a side note: Erik Bedard came in a little while later, and while I won’t say that he was a jerk or anything, he definitely didn’t give off the same vibe. We usually greeted everyone that entered the store with a “hello” or something of that nature, and Bedard just kind of brushed it off. He could be a nice guy, I don’t want to pass judgement on him or anything, but it just kind of seemed like he wasn’t too interested in dealing with people (which is fine I guess, he just likes his privacy). I just hope in the clubhouse he doesn’t give off that same kind of vibe.
DRFelix on
January 19th, 2010 4:56 pm
Felix’s Contract Breakdown was just tweeted by Heyman:
king felix breakdown:
$3.5M signing bonus,
$6.5M in ’10,
$10M in ’11,
$18.5. in ’12,
$19.5M in ’13,
$20M in ’14
Looks like we have a little more money available than most thought we were gonna have to dish to Felix this year in arb alone.
safecoview on
January 19th, 2010 5:05 pm
noproblempablo: “How’s that Lackey deal looking now, Theo? Mwahahahahahahahahaha!”
Without diminishing the King deal, I don’t think it is exactly apples-to-apples to compare a deal that buys out two arb. years with a straight free-agency deal. I think the Lackey deal was 5-yrs for $82m, an AAV of $16.4m; if you (probably conservatively) figure Felix’s arb years at $20m total, that leaves an AAV of $19.3m for the 3 free agency years.
Not a bad deal for (hopefully) one of the best pitchers in baseball during that time, but I don’t really see how it tarnishes the Lackey deal (irrespective of what one might feel about that deal independently, of course).
I remember that like it was yesterday!
I made sure to get 2nd row on the 3rd base line for that start. You’re totally right in that nobody had a clue who he was. I couldn’t count the times I heard people around me asking “whos this guy pitching?”.
I had to hold myself back to not scream at them for being dunderheads.
Happy day!
Any thoughts on how this deal and Lowe’s 1.15 one year deal affect the remainder of our budget for this year?
Don’t get too worried about that initial offer. By all accounts both sides had never exchanged actual numbers, and the M’s made theirs as “here’s our starting point: the numbers, you get into free agency in four years, we still buy out the arb years…” and they went from there. And when you consider they’re buying the arb years, that 4/45 doesn’t look so insulting.
We had to know that the first person to put actual terms out would be extremely tentative: either the team’s starting number would be low or the other side’s starting years/$ would be staggeringly huge.
In time, under estimate, job done. This is really the cherry on top of the sundae of unexpected delight that has been this offseason.
The improbable (Lee) they do right away. The impossible (Felix) takes a little longer.
True dat. Have there been some stealth upgrades?
And on top of that, you had a theoretical child! Congratulations! (Actually, considering there’s no such thing as a practical child, aren’t all children by definition theoretical?)
I’d stick around to heap yet more praise on the whole Front Office, but there’s this #34 jersey I’ve had my eye on…
I give credit to Z for locking him up for 5 more without crippling the team, but I think the real props go to Felix on this one. He could have snubbed his nose and bid his time till landing a huge East coast contract. Instead, he takes less money and sticks with the PNW and his fans. Kudos to the King.
Yeah, in negotiations it’s entirely about the context. If the atmosphere is congenial both sides can start with “insulting” numbers without either side getting insulted — it’s just business. Unless you’re actually in the room or are personally acquainted with the people involved and have an honest idea of how they feel about each other and the spirit in which they approached the deal, you really can’t judge it from random quotes that might escape the room.
Felix’ father apparently owns a trucking business (you want to talk about tough negotiations?), so I expect he taught him a thing or two about how this works. And Felix is by all accounts happy and comfortable with the Mariners and the direction the team is going. This is the only baseball family he’s ever known, and now it is well-led and going somewhere. That counts for a lot too.
Don’t forget Wil Polidor is also Franklin Gutierrez’ agent, so it was a busy and successful time for that side of the table too. (Interestingly, he was also a joint representative for Randy Johnson, so I have to assume that conversation did happen, at least in passing)
Thank you Z and thank you Felix!!!
Oh my god, I’m happy.
Great news!
But I don’t understand why so many people here think this is a “cheap” signing for the M’s.
It’s a fair deal for both sides, as Mathew posted on LL prior to the signing:
Good job by Jack Z and his team getting the deal done, but honestly, I don’t think it was a “steal”.
A great day for the Mariners and their fans. Can the broadcasters go ahead and call him King now? I wonder whether this will have any impact on Cliff Lee. Makes sense that he would opt for free agency, but he can’t help but notice what is going on with first Gutierrez and now El Rey Hernandez signing long-term. He’ll certainly need to get comfortable in his new baseball home. Maybe Wakamatsu and Buhner should take him on a hunting/fishing trip so he’s not so tempted by some team closer to his home in Arkansas.
How’s that Lackey deal looking now, Theo? Mwahahahahahahahahaha!
Shouldn’t be too difficult to show him the hunting/fishing is much better in Washington State.
Shannon has a blog post about the deal.
So, does this finish the M’s spending off for this year?
Or is it possible that a Cliff Lee deal of 3 years and $55-60 million still possible? I know he probably doesn’t plan on staying here, but… Heck, we signed Felix and Franky, why not dream?
Maybe now that Z knows how much he has left to spend, we will see a free agent signing or two. Or maybe he’s still saving up for mid-season.
As for Cliff Lee, I wouldn’t think he’d want to sign until he had an idea if (a) he was comfortable here, and (b) the team looked as if it could get him back to October.
Do not underestimate the fishing and hunting opportunities in the great state of Arkansas!
The only down side to all this, of course, is that in a mere 30 days pitchers and catchers report to spring training and then in the first week of April the regular season starts and this wonderful, wonderful, wonderful off-season will be over!
Fantastic deal for both sides.
Looking forward to seeing Felix in a Mariners uniform for years to come.
I literally shouted for joy when i read this! Thanks Jack!
Jack Z could not humiliate the Bavasi regime more thoroughly, were that his objective. This is amazing news.
What a steal!!!!! Magic Jack does it again.
Only Henryv used the term “steal” (and he added “and a half and a half” — I don’t know how the associative/commutative properties of “steals” work but it’s possible that adds up to zero “steals” …ie a win-win). The reason a lot of people consider this such a good deal is because many were worried that the negotiations would drag out and the team might be forced to trade Felix or, with their backs to the wall, pony up so much that it wouldn’t be a good deal. You might argue that Zduriencik wouldn’t let that happen (and as it turns out you’d be right) but we’re still living in the shadow of Bavasi, who would.
In the dark of our worst fears, a “fair” deal looks like a victory. Even after a year of Jack, we’re still not used to it. And I hope they continue, and we never do.
Jack Z brings to life what other GMs only dream of.
[loooooooooooong liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinkage]
I feel like I’m suddenly in an alternative universe. Since when is it the Mariners who lock up the future? My two favorite M’s will be in teal and blue for a long, long time.
i also give Dr. Z credit for convincing/ bribing /asking / luckily getting Johjima back to Japan.
I’m not sure it would be a good idea to have two big long-term contracts for pitchers on the Mariners payroll. Pitchers represent a huge risk, more so than postition players. While Felix is probably a less risky move than most pitchers, having two contracts like that might not be such a good idea.
Tom Tango has an interesting post today about how insurance on players’ contracts works in baseball and suggesting that all the insurance be allocated to pitchers and injury-prone regulars.
The more you think about this deal the better it gets. For one you get arguably the best young pitcher in the Majors and two with his signing the signing of Chone Figgins and Gutierrez and the control Ichiro you have a solid base that will be around to build off of for a long while. And with the acquisition of Milton Bradley you have a player who will easily help tide you over until next years free agency in which yu have outfielders like Jayson Werth possibly on the market. This is not mentioning Cliff Lee. So while the mariners may only have a shot at winning their division this year they are keeping their top players for the long run which gives them time to improve and not have to worry about certain positions.
M’s best off-season ever! Hopefully it’s not quite over yet but I still can’t wait for spring training and regular season, I’m going through baseball withdrawals.
Does anyone know our current spending on next year’s roster? Do we have any $$$ left to sign another SP (high upside)?
A couple years back I worked at the Best Buy in Bellevue as a summer job. We actually had a fair amount of local athletes come in, and sure enough Felix showed up one day with his family. Out of all the athletes that came in, he was by far the nicest (and most talented, of course). He was very polite, and just watching him interact with his family, you could tell he was very grounded for his age. The thing that actually surprised me the most was that after buying all his things and taking them out in a cart to his car, he made the effort to bring the cart all the way back into the store and stack it with the other carts. This may not seem like a big deal, but if you know anything about the Bellevue Best Buy, it kind of has a long parking lot with no real cart corral area, so at the end of the day we get stuck having to go out and round up all the carts that get scattered throughout the lot (and home depot’s lot). Hardly anyone ever takes the time to bring the carts back into the store, and just that little gesture on his part told me a lot about the kind of person he is. He seemed very down-to-earth, and I’m ecstatic that my favorite mariner will be here for at least another 5 years.
As a side note: Erik Bedard came in a little while later, and while I won’t say that he was a jerk or anything, he definitely didn’t give off the same vibe. We usually greeted everyone that entered the store with a “hello” or something of that nature, and Bedard just kind of brushed it off. He could be a nice guy, I don’t want to pass judgement on him or anything, but it just kind of seemed like he wasn’t too interested in dealing with people (which is fine I guess, he just likes his privacy). I just hope in the clubhouse he doesn’t give off that same kind of vibe.
Felix’s Contract Breakdown was just tweeted by Heyman:
king felix breakdown:
$3.5M signing bonus,
$6.5M in ’10,
$10M in ’11,
$18.5. in ’12,
$19.5M in ’13,
$20M in ’14
Looks like we have a little more money available than most thought we were gonna have to dish to Felix this year in arb alone.
noproblempablo: “How’s that Lackey deal looking now, Theo? Mwahahahahahahahahaha!”
Without diminishing the King deal, I don’t think it is exactly apples-to-apples to compare a deal that buys out two arb. years with a straight free-agency deal. I think the Lackey deal was 5-yrs for $82m, an AAV of $16.4m; if you (probably conservatively) figure Felix’s arb years at $20m total, that leaves an AAV of $19.3m for the 3 free agency years.
Not a bad deal for (hopefully) one of the best pitchers in baseball during that time, but I don’t really see how it tarnishes the Lackey deal (irrespective of what one might feel about that deal independently, of course).
An exciting day for the M’s!
And for this you give us Kool and the Gang?!