Game Sixteen Recap
Dave · April 21, 2010 at 9:24 pm · Filed Under Mariners
Yay, 9-7.
All hail King Felix.
Is there anything else to say?
Okay, I guess there’s one thing. Jack Wilson has four doubles in three days. I got on him the first few weeks when his swing at everything approached produced nothing but outs, so I’ll tip my hat to him for his offensive explosion the last few days.
bottom 1/3 of the order has been stroking the ball lately. that’s always nice to see.
Can we trade Sweeney for another bat?
Like who, Cedeno?
We could probably get several bats for him. Maybe a bucket of balls, too.
I don’t know why but that made me laugh really hard.
I was just hoping for one bat to replace the one that Guti broke.
BTW, looks like this win will put the M’s in a three-way tie for first place in the division. A far sight from where we were a week or so ago.
Anyone notice that Kruger’s last key to the game pretty much says “don’t lose” in a creative way?
I think that not losing is definatley a key to winning, for sure!
He also said of Felix “He did give up 9 hits, but I love him..” Somehow is sounded as though he was at fault for scattering 9 hits over the CG. Like if Kruger came in and pitched that it wouldn’t just be batting practice.
cabrera just went yard for detroit to tie it up at 3-3 in the top 9th.
we may not have a total logjam at the top…
That’s par for the course, jordan.
Great homestand by the M’s. If Jack Wilson keeps stroking doubles I won’t be as worried about the bottom of the lineup. Now they get to feast on the White Sox and Royals! Things are surely looking up!
Oh and Sweeney looked bad out there tonight, time to bring back Langerhans. Sorry Sweeney, you’re a good guy but yeah….
What’s keeping them from cutting Sweeney? If they’re afraid to talk to him, I’ll do it. I can be that guy. Maybe Dave can come to and show him all of the numbers that prove he’s terrible.
4-3 Detroit!
Is it just me, or is Wilson playing closer to third than second against right-handed hitters?
We can’t have Sweeney do what he did last year with him sucking it up in the first half and then catch fire in August when it didn’t matter. He’s a good guy and I wish he would just be a coach for the rest of the year or be the Mariner Moose’s assistant or something.
M’s are officially tied for first!!
Sweet! Good job Fuentes! Way to come back and blow your first save! How about the bottom 3rd getting it done. I’m feeling kinda giddy after this homestand. Quite a swing from the sky is falling feeling after the first week.
LOL! I swear that just made my night. I think I woke up my dorm I laughed so hard at that one.
Man, field seats are really cool… already been there twice including today.
If Felix can look at this start and realize that getting a lot of groundballs = getting deeper into games, he’ll become that Roy Halladay-type pitcher that the annual was talking about.
I mean, quick math exercise: 27 outs x 3 strikes = 81 pitches. If limit is 100, that allows for 19 more pitches or ~2/inning. Just get those quick AB’s.
Other thoughts (in no particular order):
– Kotchman batting 5th, yay!
– Sweeney’s BA where Bradley’s was at the beginning of the homestand, oy…
– Lopez gets walk, yay!
– Rob Johnson stealing 2nd, EH?
– Rob Johnson safely reaching 2nd. WHAT?
– Rob Johnson breaking for 3rd, WHAT???
– Tui in LF? It works.
– Jack getting hit. Who would have been available if he had to leave?
– Jack Wilson in the last 3 games = Edgar lite?
Felix is now 2nd in the AL in SO, behind Jared Weaver?? and tied with Kevin Milwood. Felix also leads the AL in IP.
Stealing 2nd was the last thing on Johnson’s mind, Wak called a hit and run. Wilson almost put himself on the DL lunging at a ball that was more than a foot outside the strike zone trying to make contact and not leave Johnson hung out to dry.
Ah. I didn’t look at home. I was just shocked that Johnson was taking off…
That makes much more sense.
Here’s the weird thing. Put Wilson in the clean-up or 5-spot to replace Griffey or Lopez, and you improve. You improve if you replace both of them together with just Wilson.
This team could score some runs if they had a clean-up hitter and DH that could actually hit.
At least the M’s are taking advantage of the extra outs the opposing team’s are surrendering.
The crowd breathed several collective sighs of relief when Wilson was still sharply fielding grounders after getting beaned by Milwood. For once, I was glad Felix didn’t retaliate, since MLB umps and officials seem to have a mad-on for our pitchers this year.
BTW, May 6 – which should be Lee’s 2nd start, is a Griffey MVP $24 field seat promo game. Woot!
I would like to take a moment to personally thank the Red Sox for wanting Bill Hall in exchange for Casey Kotchman (never did hear who the “player to be named later” ended up being?).
Seems our GM has a nice little knack for finding other teams’ castoff first basemen.
The bat has been a pleasant surprise, and the glove is actually as good, if not BETTER, than the hype about his defense. I, for one, love watching him snatch those 1-hoppers with his backhand. Welcome aboard, Casey.
Other than catcher, 3rd base, and LF, we have a decent argument for having the best position player at every other location on the field.
Whoever it was that guessed the M’s would go 7-2 on this homestand is a genius!
“It’s nice when you have your No. 1 pitcher do that, step up, and it constantly gives you that believe system for future games,” Seattle manager Don Wakamatsu said.
Hey Wak, just a minor note, you can’t just throw “belief system” into any sentence and have it make sense.
Just got back from the game. I’m glad some friends and I decided last minute to take the ferry over for the game.
Third game I’ve been to so far this year. I love it every time, even if I pay to go to opening day and only see 2 hits…
Sweeney is a chump/was one tonight. I swear 3 of his at bats he swung at the first or second pitch, or so it felt like to me.
Sucks because I truly feel had Tui not made that error in left, Felix easily could have gotten out of that inning. Oh well, 4-1 is great with a CG to top it off.
Jack wilson has been heating up as of late, you gotta love that at the bottom of the order.
GO M’s!
The player to be named was a rookie ball pitcher named Miguel Celestino.
What this game showed is that you just never know. Dave’s pre-game analysis was absolutely correct. Yet, we had Ichiro and Figgie up with one out and two on and they didn’t deliver and then the bottom of the order did deliver. Yet, if I were Dave, I’d make the same analysis if this same lineup faced Kevin Millwood at Safeco again (please, God, no). A series of unlikely events occurred tonight, and it’s nice that for once the team that beat the odds was the home team.
None of this applies to the Felix part of the game, of course. How do you say “sure thing” in Spanish? I was actually watching the game on GameDay on my Blackberry and knew that strikeout of Adam Jones was awesome. Then I saw it on SportsCenter and was proven right. I think it’s fair to say that Felix hasn’t changed his approach because his contract situation was resolved.
Hey, I agree but if we keep finding ways to win he can overuse the “belief system” in every sentence for all I care
Hip hip hurray for not making any outs on the basepaths.
Thanks Gomez.
I also want to give a shout out to Tuiasosopo. Without that “Charlie Hustle” move to beat out the infield play at 2nd base with two out, who knows if we even score last night (Jack’s 3 run double was right after that, and we didn’t score again).
It also makes that unearned run he caused a moot point.
Nicely done, young man. Teaching the old guys what it REALLY means to be aggressive… Gaining an extra out, not giving them up!
YAY!!!! This is what I wrote last week when we were 2-6!!
That is pretty exciting if I might say so myself.
And to even rub it in a little more, I posted this to dave the next day…
Well Figgins and Lopez havent started batting like I predicted yet and Bradley and Griffey didn’t have any home runs, but we won the exact amount of games I thought. And Ichiro and Kotchman are where I predicted and even Griffey and Bradley started hitting better. As I said, that is exciting.
p.s. we are in first place!