Game 31, Angels at Mariners

Dave · May 9, 2010 at 10:40 am · Filed Under Mariners 

Santana vs Vargas, 1:10 pm.

The Mariners fired hitting coach Alan Cockrell today, in a “we have to do something” move that probably just won’t matter. By and large, it’s almost impossible to find a hitting coach that has any kind of track record of making a real difference. Nothing against Alonzo Powell, but I doubt he’ll be a trailblazer in that regard.

Happy Mother’s Day. Do something fun with your mom and tell her you love her.

Ichiro, RF
Figgins, 2B
Gutierrez, CF
Lopez, 2B
Griffey, DH
Langerhans, 1B
Josh Wilson, SS
Saunders, LF
Moore, C


193 Responses to “Game 31, Angels at Mariners”

  1. jr on May 9th, 2010 3:32 pm

    Man, the kids are getting it done today.

  2. G-Man on May 9th, 2010 3:33 pm

    Thought they’d walk Ichi.

  3. mlathrop3 on May 9th, 2010 3:33 pm

    Okay Dave, what does our lineup look like with Josh Wilson as the DH?

  4. juneau_fan on May 9th, 2010 3:33 pm

    When Bradley comes back from the DL, does this mean they can finally cut Sweeney? Need to keep Saunders out there; I’m tired of old, tired, not hitting, players.

  5. pareto on May 9th, 2010 3:33 pm

    Send Saunders, Brumley! Send him!

  6. G-Man on May 9th, 2010 3:38 pm

    Okay Dave, what does our lineup look like with Josh Wilson as the DH?

    Heh – but maybe he’ll get an occasional game at second or third. He does hit a little.

  7. scottg02 on May 9th, 2010 3:39 pm

    i bet lopez jacks one here.

  8. ppl on May 9th, 2010 3:39 pm

    Well, on Friday night I posted that I was looking forward to a big Saturday win with Michael Saunders having a big day and getting his first MLB HR.

    I missed it by a day, but I am glad to see it.

  9. pareto on May 9th, 2010 3:40 pm

    Lopez was swinging to end the inning.

  10. JerBear on May 9th, 2010 3:40 pm

    Jose Lopez is a frickin moron. I’m so sick of his approach. The pitcher just walked in a run and he still goes up hacking.

  11. mlathrop3 on May 9th, 2010 3:40 pm

    hmmm… just walked a run in… should I take a pitch or two? NAH! Swing away!

  12. griffin on May 9th, 2010 3:40 pm


    Sweeney- Who cares? Anywhere but Seattle.

  13. zmic11 on May 9th, 2010 3:41 pm

    I’d hate to be negative on this glorious day, but Lopez blows my mind. 2 bases loaded walks, and he goes up and swings at the first pitch nearly above his head before flying out on the 2nd pitch of an at bat. How does a veteran like him not understand basic principles of baseball?

  14. pareto on May 9th, 2010 3:42 pm

    Jose Lopez is a frickin moron. I’m so sick of his approach. The pitcher just walked in a run and he still goes up hacking.

    Lopez was just ready to go home.

  15. joser on May 9th, 2010 3:54 pm

    Wow, Saunders’ mom has been fighting cancer and came down from Victoria today and was in the stands? How great of a story is that?

    I really hope this makes it so Saunders becomes our starting left fielder. Other than Ackley, his basically our only bright spot in the farm system.

    I agree about Saunders — there’s little risk he won’t be the starting LF right now, but we should be wishing he stays there after Bradley comes back (leaving Bradley to DH and the punchless huggers to ride the pine, preferably off the roster). But you’re excessively negative about the M’s farm system: Franklin, Robles, Peguero, Pineda, even LaFromboise and Liddi… not all of them will pan out (in fact you have to expect most of them won’t) but the farm system is not without “bright spots.” You should check out Jay Yencich’s fabulous weekly Minor League Wraps.

  16. Jordan on May 9th, 2010 4:04 pm

    How much longer until Bradley comes off the restricted list and Sweeney joins Byrnes in the beer league?

    Yeah our farm’s doing great: Adam Jones, Chris Tilman, Kam Mickolio…Oh wait, they play for the Orioles.

  17. scott19 on May 9th, 2010 4:14 pm

    I can honestly say for the first time in a while…awesome game, guys!!! 🙂

  18. argh on May 9th, 2010 4:15 pm

    I’m a bad person but I can’t look at Vargas (as I’m doing post-game) without thinking he’s the kid in high school who taught everybody how to hot wire cars.

  19. tubbabubba22 on May 9th, 2010 4:28 pm

    Dude. Vargas. I can not explain it. He has just been so fantastic against great lineups. I don’t know what to say. Him and Fister have been a pretty amazing surprise. GO M’s!

  20. scott19 on May 9th, 2010 4:30 pm

    As harsh as some of us have been (myself included — and not unjustifiably so, I know) on these guys in the “tough love” category lately, Shannon’s post-game interview with Michael Saunders where he spoke of his mom — and the fact that she was able to be there in the stands today to see his first HR — just blew me away.

    For as much value as we place on winning sometimes, we forget that it’s still just a game — are that there are, indeed, things out there which are far more important.

    That said, Happy Mother’s Day everyone!

  21. Rick Banjo on May 9th, 2010 4:39 pm

    Keep the pink bats please.

  22. Breadbaker on May 9th, 2010 4:46 pm

    Just back from the game. I give all the credit to the new hitting coach. Telling them he had locked their mothers in the closet and they were staying there til they won a game was a brilliant move.

  23. Harrison on May 9th, 2010 5:35 pm

    What a game! We were just 10 feet away from Josh’s blast. Josh Wilson, Ryan Langerhans & Michael Saunders better be starting on Tuesday vs. Baltimore.

  24. TumwaterMike on May 9th, 2010 6:16 pm

    Its all about Alonzo powell. He comes to the M’s and they score 8 runs. He leaves Tacoma and they get shut out.

  25. henryv on May 9th, 2010 6:34 pm

    Does this team have too many LHB, and just one RHB? I realize we play in Safeco, but only half of our games.

    Can Jack Wilson be a defensive replacement/back up for Josh Wilson and Lopez? It seems like Jack Wilson should be able to play 3rd with ease. Or if Lopez gets traded for a RHB 1B/DH, Josh or Jack might be able to slide over?

  26. georgmi on May 9th, 2010 7:25 pm

    No recap yet. Did Dave die of a heart attack?

  27. G-Man on May 9th, 2010 7:38 pm

    No recap yet. Did Dave die of a heart attack?

    After promising his wife he was done for the night to watch a movie with her last night, he got in trouble for posting the ‘Mike Sweeney Is An Idiot’ thread, Therefore, he wasn’t allowed to watch today or post a Recap.

  28. greentunic on May 9th, 2010 8:48 pm

    In trouble from whom?

  29. juneau_fan on May 9th, 2010 9:28 pm

    In trouble from whom?

    Dave’s wife.

    I was looking forward to the recap too, to see some analysis of the burst of hitting. Anomaly or the differences in the lineup?

    But with an off-day, perhaps there’ll be a Monday super duper recap.

  30. Marinersmanjk on May 9th, 2010 9:37 pm

    I’m dissapointed as well, but with tomorrow’s game, hopefully we’ll get a recap and a post to all the speculation that’s going around about us getting a new DH. I’ve heard of Jose Guillen (hopefully not), Berkman (unlikely), Luke Scott, and maybe Hank Blalock.

  31. greentunic on May 9th, 2010 10:01 pm

    Yeah, apparently JZ is going bonkers on the phones (I personally hope he goes Gonzo on the phones, hehe). But no team is willing to call themselves “sellers” yet.

  32. jr on May 9th, 2010 10:30 pm
  33. juneau_fan on May 9th, 2010 10:50 pm

    Jr, the comments there make my skin itch.

  34. Liam on May 9th, 2010 11:31 pm

    No recap yet. Did Dave die of a heart attack?

    There’s a little thing going on today you might have heard of it, The Amazing Race season finale.

  35. greentunic on May 9th, 2010 11:37 pm

    The names on MLB rumors do nothing for me. I don’t want to loose MORE prospects for a Luke Scott or a Lance Berkman. I wouldn’t mind doing Major Leaguers for Major Leaguers though, like dealing a Lopez or a catcher (tough to trade them when they hitting like pitchers though).

    But I would give my left arm AND Dustin Ackley for an Adrian Gonzalez! Safeco is literally a BETTER OFFENSIVE PARK for him than where he is. Thats so wierd to say.

  36. spankystout on May 9th, 2010 11:51 pm

    Yeah the names being floated aren’t encouraging at all. Saunders really may be the best option until ‘hunting season’ begins. He looks better at the plate than last year. I noticed he was adjusting to the breaking ball quickly. IF he shows patience, and Wak doesn’t toss
    him into another Lefty vs. Lefty gauntlet he should produce.

  37. juneau_fan on May 9th, 2010 11:53 pm

    There’s a little thing going on today you might have heard of it, The Amazing Race season finale.

    And Dave and his wife are in it?

    But I would give my left arm AND Dustin Ackley for an Adrian Gonzalez!

    Dear god, when will the collective woody in some quarters here dissipate for Gonzalez?

    Here’s a newsflash, courtesy of Baseball Tonight, of all places. Speaking to many, many fans of teams needing hitting, they pointed out that San Diego’s in first place; they’re not trading Gonzalez. Or is this just rosterbation, to complete the image?

  38. pinball1973 on May 10th, 2010 12:04 am

    To quote Yum-yum: “Thank Goodness THAT’S over!!!”

    Not that anything besides this incredibly painful and fury-inducing slump are actually settled.

    Ichiro: 3 hits and 3 steals. 1 RS and no RBI. He might as well phone in a hit for all the help he gets.

  39. greentunic on May 10th, 2010 12:05 am

    FROM Juneau_Fan “Here’s a newsflash, courtesy of Baseball Tonight, of all places. Speaking to many, many fans of teams needing hitting, they pointed out that San Diego’s in first place; they’re not trading Gonzalez. Or is this just rosterbation, to complete the image?”

    I’ll never get to snuggle with Eva Longoria either but I rosterbate to her too! I realize it may not be realistic. I don’t think I’d give my left arm anyway, I use it to catch with.

  40. Carson on May 10th, 2010 12:06 am

    It was pretty awesome listening to Niehaus call the M’s game and the Braden perfecto simultaneously.

    He may make some gaffes now and then, but the man can sure tell a story. Even two at once.

    Also, way to piss off the baseball Gods, A-Rod. Looks like Braden’s “fifteen minutes of fame” just got extended a bit.

  41. greentunic on May 10th, 2010 12:08 am

    Braden should totally come back and say “He pointed to my handful of wins. Well, at least my performance is legitamite.” There would never be better ownage than that.

  42. juneau_fan on May 10th, 2010 12:27 am

    As long as you’ve got it in perspective, greentunic! LOL!

    I guess I find it all a bit depressing, because the fantasy seems to be dependent on the idea that if Gonzalez were available, the M’s would have the slightest shot at him.

    Not if the Red Sox think they need hitting, or the Dodgers, or any other bigger market teams with better prospects.

    No, it’s going to be dumpster diving again for Z. Good luck, big feller.

    And yeah, A-rod can kiss Braden’s ass. I love when the ‘humble’ mask slips and we get to see what an arrogant twit he is.

  43. joser on May 10th, 2010 1:17 am

    It was pretty awesome listening to Niehaus call the M’s game and the Braden perfecto simultaneously.

    I know — I was working outside and only listening with half ear at that point and I got really confused for a minute… and worried that Dave was losing it before I figured out what was going on. Then I caught up with what he was doing and marveled. He may no longer have the eyes to see what’s happening out at the warning track, and his memory may fail to kick up the right name on demand occasionally, but when something gets him going he’s still up to the challenge.

    Dear god, when will the collective woody in some quarters here dissipate for Gonzalez?

    Yeah, I had this argument with somebody literally just last night. It’s not enough that the M’s offer a good deal to the Padres: they have to outbid every other team looking for offense. When the currency of the bid is prospects, that’s pretty hard to justify — “win now with Lee” or not. And considering the Padres right now have the best record in the NL (I know: I couldn’t believe it either, even when I double-checked the standings just now) they’re not sellers to anybody at any price. By the time they fall back to earth (assuming they do) the M’s better have already fixed their offensive problems, or they’ll be sellers too.

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