Game 48, Mariners at Angels
Hernandez vs Weaver, 1:05 pm.
Happy Felix Day.
The M’s have flip-flopped Felix and Snell in order to keep Felix on a more regular schedule. It doesn’t hurt that it also gives them a chance to win this game, where a Snell-Weaver match-up would have you penciling a loss in before the game started. As always, the key to beating Jered Weaver is to hit the ball over the fence – home runs are his big flaw, and if you can get around on one of his high four-seam fastballs, he can be beat. If you don’t put one or two over the wall, though, he’s probably going to shut you down.
The obsession with Tui continues, as he starts at first base even against a right-hander. If you’re going to start him this weekend, why not last night against a lefty? And if you don’t want to play Kotchman at first base today, how about Langerhans, who hasn’t played in a couple of weeks? Oh, right, Tui did well in spring training, and we’re still slaves to March performance.
Ichiro, RF
Figgins, 2B
Gutierrez, CF
Bradley, DH
Lopez, 3B
Tuiasosopo, 1B
Josh Wilson, SS
Johnson, C
Saunders, LF
290 Responses to “Game 48, Mariners at Angels”
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Congrats, League, on being another member in a long-line of craptastic relievers the M’s traded for.
The Mariners don’t even want fans anymore…
[Bad Koala]
Well, they’re losing them as fast as they can with this boring, unwatchable team.
That replay. His ankle looked nasty. No Morales or Hunter tomorrow. I don’t know why Wak keeps sending out these 1 inning relievers for multiple innings. So many winnable games lost by poor in-game management. Brutal.
Well, I think all things considered, seeing a key player for the angels out for the year is a silver lining to the loss. That being said, come on, it was obvious League was going to lose the game. If he could have given up 5 runs, he would have. As a Mariners fan, I love the fact that the team beating us had their celebration ruined. Nothing personal, but, it made my day considering the loss.
on the plus side Ackley has a .893 OPS for May
I don’t like to see players hurt, whether they’re on the opposing team or not.
Enjoying the Morales injury is classless and revolting.
[Bad Koala]
For a while, I really thought we were playing for Bryce Harper. I thought that could rationally explain some of Wak’s atrocious decision making. A power hitting lefty behind the plate who could serve as a DH on his off days sure would solve some of this team’s problems.
Then I realized Harper was going in this year’s draft.
At the next USSM event, we really need to demand an explanation for what we’ve seen out on the field this year. We need to hear that a long term plan is in place. Otherwise, what hope can we have? I’m not going to be strung along, watching undisputed idiocy unfold day in, day out.
I disagree with you enjoy the Hunter and Morales injuries because they are players like anyone, no matter if the other team, another day could happen to Ichiro or Guti and we do not like, sorry but I think that is not correct
I thought about this last year, whenever we won on a walk-off and the rest of the players started pummelling the winning hitter. It would be really stupid to hurt someone as part of some dumb ritual somebody came up with under the guise of “team building”. It’s bad enough when freak injuries occur like this.
and I didn’t see it happen, could someone explain what happened to Morales? He fell and twisted his ankle? How the hell do you do that?
Well, another *great* WWE-MLB game on Faux…where we already know who’s scheduled to win before it happens. I’m just surprised any of the fans in La-La Land stuck around long enough to be concerned about Morales — they usually leave around the sixth inning to head out to the beach on days like that there.
I agree, too, Des. That comment was major uncalled for — and uncool!
[Bad Koala]
To Dutch: the celebration of Walk Off Kendry Morales was injured the ankle while beating
Yea, I figured that, but really? How does a professional athlete let that happen? He knows exactly what’s happening when he heads into home plate. Well whatever, hope he’s ok. Where’s the glory in beating a team that’s at half strength?
Dang, Silva struck out 11 today and went 7 scoreless giving up only 2 hits. Again, not that I want that trade back, but it’s weird how he can be so different there. It is the NL, so that explains some of it, but there has to be some other stuff there too. Strange eh.
[Bad Koala]
Totally agree. Sad that it had to come to something like this, but maybe going forward teams will start cracking down on all the idiotic jumping around on a walk-off like you just won the freaking World Series.
Didn’t one of our guys turn his ankle (somewhat less seriously) last year during a walk-off trot?
King.Dome, maybe Silva is finally healthy.
Maybe that 60 day DL stint last year was legitimate.
I’m happy for Silva, he’s finally earning his paycheck.
Well, to look on the bright side, Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals will be starting in about fifteen minutes or so. Now that the bizarro finish to this game has put me in quite the “alpha” mood, at least there should be plenty of on-ice aggression to enjoy in a Flyers-Blackhawks matchup.
Who here wishes Wak would stop the hugging in the clubhouse and go into caveman/Pinella mode on our offense?
I’m sorry, but regardless of whether this season really is part of a rebuilding process or not in Jack’s eyes, if you are going to have your slogan be “Believe Big” then all 25 guys on the roster better play big.
That’s why games like this piss me off. Felix, our #1 guy and a guy who WANTED to stay with us for the next 5 years pitches TREMENDOUS but gets a no decision and the team loses all because we can’t score more than ONE FUCKING RUN.
Speaking of alpha-male aggression…
Tough to win a game when you trot out a lineup with 4 minor leaguers. Granted the Angels had 2 minor leaguers in their line up but it was 7 vs 5 and that doesnt work.
Whackamatsu. Stupid decisions.
Defending League makes him look worse.
I am developing an unhealty hatred for Mr. League. Maybe it’s the bucktooth retard look or maybe the 2 grannys and other blowups. Maybe both. I hated the trade when it happened but now…Is it football season yet?
Carlos believes it is because the Cubs will talk mechanics to him, and the M’s always talked about how fat he was.
I think you’re liars if you say you aren’t happy morales won’t be in their lineup for an extended period of time. He’s their best hitter, and though the angels aren’t leading the division, they’re the ones to watch in the west.
I don’t buy the whole, “I don’t care who the person plays for, I’m sad whenever anyone gets hurt” comment. Are you telling me if you’re watching football, and you see someones knee give out, and you can’t tell if it was Walter Jones’, or the guy he was defending, that you wouldn’t be any less sad to find out it was the other guy and not big walt?
I’d probably be a little more concerned for him if it weren’t during a celebration of a victory over my team.
Also, who didn’t know the game was over when Wak refused to pull League after the first two balls struck of the inning traveled a combined 780 feet in the air? Dude’s getting squared up… like we didn’t know the next one was going to leave the yard. This is why we have a 7 man bullpen, so we can use 2 relievers in an extra inning game. Its ok, they’re all big boys, and they aren’t gonna die if they have to pitch a little. I hope Morales makes a full recovery, and is 100% for spring training next year, no sooner. I’ll sleep well tonight too. Suck it.
Oh, and if someone mentions that Walter Jones is retired, I hope they break their ankle too. Any problems with that?
I’m totally good with Morales’s injury. Serves them all right. This isn’t the first time it has happened in these stupid bounce around celebrations at home plate, either.
Of course, knowing the Mariners, the Angels will call up some non-prospect and he’ll take us yard every game, tomorrow and all next weekend.
Perfect game for Roy Halladay today. Which just goes a fair way in proving that the Lee-Halladay deal is working out for the Phillies. Now if only the Mariners could get some hitting to support Lee & Felix …
Tough game today. Sorry, fellas. Today’s my birthday, and the M’s usually do win on that day. But what a strange ending with Morales….I know that him not playing is better for us, but still. That looked way too painful. Hope he’s going to be okay, ultimately.
The Tigers just DFA’d Dontrelle Willis. Obviously, he needs to join the Cubs. If they can resurrect Burger Chef, they can resurrect anyone.
Not defending League but everytime Wak leaves him out for more than an inning he finds a way to get hit badly.
Is this the stealth thread?
Welcome to the Ms Mr Alfonso.
He can ride pine like he should be for the rest of the season. I see a DFA in his near future.