Game 31, Rangers At Mariners

Dave · May 4, 2011 at 6:00 pm · Filed Under Mariners 

Pineda vs Wilson, 7:10 pm.

This isn’t a great team, we all know that, but you know what, it’s May 4th and the team is two games out of first place. With Gutierrez and Aardsma having contributed zero innings each, Figgins and Cust not hitting, and Miguel Olivo now residing as the clean-up hitter, I don’t know that we could have asked for much more than that out of the first month of the season. Nice job, fellas.

Ichiro, RF
Figgins, 3B
Bradley, LF
Olivo, C
First Baseman Of Greatness, 1B
Cust, DH
Wilson, 2B
Saunders, CF
Ryan, SS


74 Responses to “Game 31, Rangers At Mariners”

  1. Carson on May 4th, 2011 8:40 pm

    Quick, someone let Olivo know he can’t get a sac fly here.

  2. KiWiNiNjA on May 4th, 2011 8:40 pm

    Poor Olivo doesn’t have enough outs to sac fly Figgins home from 3rd this time.

  3. texasmarinerfan on May 4th, 2011 8:59 pm

    @ Jim_H I was referring to what Dave wrote in Smoke’sname. I am excited and happy to Smoak Pineda, And Ackley but I dont believe that we should call them heroes after a good month of play, after a year or multiple years, yes, but not immediately.

  4. Carson on May 4th, 2011 9:02 pm

    Well, these are the worries we had with Pineda against lefties.

  5. texasmarinerfan on May 4th, 2011 9:04 pm

    Ohh Pineda, just when I was going to post a comment on how great you where doing, you give up an 0-2 homer.

  6. Carson on May 4th, 2011 9:15 pm

    Oh, look. The white towel.

  7. pgreyy on May 4th, 2011 9:16 pm

    Carson FTW!

  8. OffensivelyChallenged on May 4th, 2011 9:17 pm

    If I was Wedge I would of pulled Ray after the leadoff walk and sent him down to AA.

  9. themedia on May 4th, 2011 9:22 pm

    Chris Ray masterfully, once again, gives up a run (hits not required).

  10. MrZDevotee on May 4th, 2011 9:24 pm

    I would of pulled Ray after the leadoff walk and sent him down to AA.

    That’s a pretty optimistic assessment of Ray’s value. I’d skip baseball altogether, and put him to work in the concession stands– make him EARN that contract (plus they need more bodies).

  11. MrZDevotee on May 4th, 2011 9:26 pm

    Perhaps we need to have someone take a Polaroid of Chris Ray in his uniform every game, and then make him carry it in his pocket– that way, when he’s confused, he can take it out and see which team he’s actually supposed to be helping?

    (Wouldn’t hurt to try…)

  12. msfanmike on May 4th, 2011 9:26 pm

    Well, these are the worries we had with Pineda against lefties.

    I would worry about an 0-2 fastball down the middle against any major league hitter. It was just a case of real bad location. Davis can’t hit anything but a fastball. His swings on the first pitch of his 2 most recent at bats (at a breaking ball) were feable. He got a mistake pitch and he didn’t miss it.

  13. msfanmike on May 4th, 2011 9:29 pm

    I would worry about an 0-2 fastball down the middle against any major league hitter.

    Except for a few players in our lineup.

    There, fixed that for me

  14. MrZDevotee on May 4th, 2011 9:33 pm

    Don’t look now but Chone Figgins is 12 for 33 in his last 8 games (four multiple hit games in a row, five total), with 6 runs scored, a couple of walks, and 3 stolen bases. NOT awful. Actually, the opposite of awful. How weird is that?!

  15. Edgar4Hall on May 4th, 2011 9:40 pm

    Don’t look now but Chone Figgins is 12 for 33 in his last 8 games (four multiple hit games in a row, five total), with 6 runs scored, a couple of walks, and 3 stolen bases. NOT awful. Actually, the opposite of awful. How weird is that?!

    So can we trade him before he gets bad again? Jack! get on the phone quick! we may yet get a bag of balls for him insteadof just orange slices!

  16. MrZDevotee on May 4th, 2011 9:40 pm

    Sorry, I should frame my comments in a more positive light… We are playing awfully well right now. I was just nervous that Wedge threw in the towel on Pineda’s start by going Ray/Wilhelmson.

    So yeah, positive spin:

    Give it up for Chris Ray! Lowering his ERA with 1 inning of 1 run ball… Nice job, son.

  17. MrZDevotee on May 4th, 2011 9:42 pm

    I guess it’s asking too much to pinch hit for our Designated Hitter in the 9th inning– because he has trouble hitting/running/flossing/crossing his legs…?

  18. MrZDevotee on May 4th, 2011 9:43 pm

    Can somebody turn out the lights when you leave?

  19. Lantern on May 4th, 2011 9:46 pm

    No Hamilton and no Cruz, but we can’t capitalize.

  20. juneau_fan on May 4th, 2011 9:58 pm

    Yeah, that was a dull game, dully played.

  21. Westside guy on May 4th, 2011 11:35 pm

    I’ve been a Saunders fan, but eventually “small sample size” will not apply – and I’m not seeing much improvement.

    Heck, I’d argue we’re seeing regression at the plate. Early in the season, there were signs the new swing might be working – but the last few nights he usually just looked overmatched. I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking this because it was C.J. Wilson out there and C.J.’s been pretty darn good so far this season, but right now it’s sure looking like being a platoon player is Condor’s future role… and that’s assuming he starts hitting righties better.

    And that all makes me sad, because I really am pulling for this guy – I’m not sure why.

    BTW Olivo’s last strikeout was just ridiculous. That ball was about level with his forehead, and he swung at it anyway. I’m still not convinced…

  22. Westside guy on May 4th, 2011 11:37 pm

    Oh, look. The white towel.

    When you give a guy a nickname, it’s traditional to capitalize it. 😉 But I think you nailed it.

    Chris Ray, AKA “The White Towel”.

  23. darthbuhner on May 5th, 2011 12:13 am

    The two homers off Pineda reminded me of when I saw Mark McGwire rocket a 530 foot homer off of Randy. It was a fun game, even if they lost. CJ Wilson lived up to his billing. It was frustrating when the Ms couldn’t do the simple little things, like bunt >Cough, Saunders<, but I doubt it would have mattered. I just hope this isn't a sign that teams will be figuring out Pineda as they see him more.

    Also, I'm a little worried about Ichiro not diving to make a catch of that 1st-inning double from Beltre, which would have saved 2 runs. I'd think Ichiro, circa 2001-2005 would have unquestionably made a dive for it. Either he's a little sore from that fly ball that beaned him Sunday, or maybe just not as willing to sacrifice his body so much anymore, especially with a team that's been so awful for so long.

  24. msfanmike on May 5th, 2011 8:25 am

    Also, I’m a little worried about Ichiro not diving to make a catch of that 1st-inning double from Beltre

    What is this “dive” of which you speak? Ichiro does not dive. He has never been one to dive. He will slide to make a catch occasionally, but dive … never. Who do you think he is, Sam Fuld?

    Ichiro will dink, dunk, blast, run like hell, throw, catch, awe, amaze, sometimes frutstrate, preen and strech … but dive? No, not so much. It ain’t gonna happen.

    Also, I am not sure if it would have mattered on that Beltre hit, but we will never know. We will never know. Haleys Comet will be seen more frequently than an Ichiro “dive.”

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