Game 65, Mariners At Tigers

Dave · June 11, 2011 at 3:12 pm · Filed Under Mariners 

PIneda vs Scherzer, 4:05 pm.

Ichiro is back, and back at leadoff. Rooting hard for Chone Figgins to go like 8 for 8 tonight so that the “he needs to hit leadoff!” cries go away.

Ichiro, RF
Ryan, SS
Smoak, 1B
Kennedy, 2B
Olivo, C
Peguero, LF
Carp, DH
Figgins, 3B
Halman, CF


78 Responses to “Game 65, Mariners At Tigers”

  1. mrnostalgia on June 11th, 2011 5:32 pm

    Alright, Ichiro triple, Smoak single, I’m feeling something…

  2. stevemotivateir on June 11th, 2011 5:32 pm

    I wonder if the Mets would be dumb enough to take Figgins in a trade for David Wright? Would take more than Figgins, but I can’t help but wonder if they’d even listen.

  3. Breadbaker on June 11th, 2011 5:32 pm

    “Four of the last six hitters with hits.”–Dave Sims.

    A bit of an asterisk there, huh, Dave?

  4. mrnostalgia on June 11th, 2011 5:33 pm

    Ichiro is on an extremely small sample size tear!!!

    Ha, that’s the spirit.

  5. msfanmike on June 11th, 2011 5:33 pm

    Yeah, I should have limited the Figgins bit to only defense. Having said that, he’d still get my vote


    I think the better poll question would have been under the umbrella of total suckitude: “what is worse – Figgins’s offense, his defense or his baserunning.”

    Please be sure to have a tie-breaker question, too .. because it is pretty much a flat out dead heat on all three. He is just plain old fucking brutal.

  6. groundzero55 on June 11th, 2011 5:34 pm

    Soooooo close for Olivo. Damn.

  7. samregens on June 11th, 2011 5:37 pm

    Damn, this game needs more Rayburn.

  8. msfanmike on June 11th, 2011 5:40 pm

    Ichiro is on an extremely small sample size tear!!!



    This made me laugh. Thank you. Warming up for a show later this evening? I need to catch one of those someday, by the way, when I am next up there.

  9. groundzero55 on June 11th, 2011 5:43 pm

    Aaaand this game is now over. And to think I benched Peralta in my fantasy league today because I thought he had a tough matchup.

  10. mrnostalgia on June 11th, 2011 5:49 pm

    Poor Pineda, he’s dropping all kinds of f-bombs after that home run. Oh well guess he has to regress sometime. Time for a rally!!

  11. KiWiNiNjA on June 11th, 2011 5:50 pm

    Jamey Wrong move.

  12. samregens on June 11th, 2011 5:51 pm

    Shows how good Pineda is when such an outing seems extremely anomalous.

    The only bright spot for me so far is Ichiro’s nice catch and triple.

    Ichiro is on an extremely small sample size tear!!!

    Well said, pgreyy!
    This can be the beginning of the turn around.

  13. msfanmike on June 11th, 2011 5:52 pm

    Happy Felix Day – manana

    Cant remember how to get the “en-yay” symbol, but I gave it the old college try. Graduated from college 25 years ago, so that no longer has much meaning. Pretty much like this game appears to have.

  14. OffensivelyChallenged on June 11th, 2011 5:55 pm

    What happened to all the MoJo???? Every time we get a chance to gain a game on Texas the M’s play like crap!

  15. SonOfZavaras on June 11th, 2011 5:56 pm

    That’s our lucky fielding break for the game, fellas…now everybody find their hitting shoes.

  16. SonOfZavaras on June 11th, 2011 6:00 pm

    I surely hope Ackley’s coming up in time for the Angels series at home.

  17. mrnostalgia on June 11th, 2011 6:06 pm

    Watching Boesch hit that breaking ball is depressing. Any of our guys would’ve looked silly swinging at that.

  18. KiWiNiNjA on June 11th, 2011 6:07 pm

    Hopefully Wedge is paying attention to the SUCK that is Jamey Wright.

  19. Daron Andrew on June 11th, 2011 6:10 pm

    Jamey Wright sucks, his luck is waring off. He’s not a good pitcher. By seasons end his ERA will be close to 5 I’m sure.

  20. pgreyy on June 11th, 2011 6:14 pm

    This made me laugh. Thank you. Warming up for a show later this evening? I need to catch one of those someday, by the way, when I am next up there.

    I am indeed. I’m in Salt Lake City, competing in the Rocky Mountain Laugh Off…following the game only via the comments here and ESPN’s GameCast via Epic 4G.

    (I almost said “enjoying” the game, but no, not so much.)

  21. msfanmike on June 11th, 2011 6:20 pm

    Well rest easy pgreyy … Ichiro got another hit -so life is returning to some level of normalcy. One run by the team (collectively) and 2 hits from Ichiro. This is very familiar territory.

    He hit a parachute+ down the left field line during his last AB. Kind of a tweener between a liner and a parachute.

    Good luck tonight!

    Salt Lake City, huh? Do they serve alcohol in the night clubs down there? Never quite did understand the protocal on that type of thing within that City.

  22. SonOfZavaras on June 11th, 2011 6:24 pm

    Okay, this one is just about all the way in the dumper. Good thing we have a real good chance to get a split tomorrow.

    Felix, I hope you have your ‘A’ game going on tomorrow.

  23. stevemotivateir on June 11th, 2011 6:31 pm

    msfanmike, keeping the poll questions to just Figgins is too easy!

  24. msfanmike on June 11th, 2011 7:03 pm

    msfanmike, keeping the poll questions to just Figgins is too easy!

    I find it impossible to be able to make an argument against this point.

    Hey, does anybody know if GMZDevotee is on a hunger strike? I just figured out what was missing from today’s thread.

  25. rodzilla on June 11th, 2011 9:46 pm

    Actually, the drinking laws in Utah have become much more reasonable over the last couple of years (though not without their’s still Utah).

    Which makes it a bit easier to deal with if you’re an M’s follower in SLC. I used to be one, but then I moved to Seattle. Not quite sure which is the worse place to be a Mariner fan…

  26. Westside guy on June 11th, 2011 10:42 pm

    I remember traveling through Utah a couple decades ago – we were more concerned about finding coffee than alcohol. 😀 It generally wasn’t a problem except around Salt Lake City… I don’t know if that’s the case even there anymore, though.

  27. Paul B on June 12th, 2011 9:19 am

    Jamey Wright sucks, his luck is waring off. He’s not a good pitcher. By seasons end his ERA will be close to 5 I’m sure.

    Maybe. His xFIP was last over 5 in 2007, though. Looks like an ERA of around 4 would be most likely for the season.

  28. FetalPuzishun on June 12th, 2011 12:53 pm

    Oh man I came on here for the obligatory “Smoak Bomb” comments.

    I am dissapoint

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