Breaking Down How Felix Did It

Dave · August 16, 2012 at 8:57 am · Filed Under Mariners 

Over at FanGraphs, Bradley Woodrum did a fantastic breakdown of how Felix attacked the Rays yesterday, putting together a series of informative graphics that illustrate just how his approach evolved throughout the game. Seriously, go read this now.


5 Responses to “Breaking Down How Felix Did It”

  1. stevemotivateir on August 16th, 2012 9:12 am

    Great break-down! Really, this was the single greatest pitching performance I’ve ever followed/seen (only caught the last two innings live). Thank god for replays! Hope to see more Felix-Jaso combos as the season plays-out. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if Felix repeated this before too long.

  2. sergey on August 16th, 2012 9:53 am

    The king has come a long way from the open letter day! i.e. throwing fastball all the time to start the game and often afterwards.

    The most impressive was the shift in quantity of the breaking balls as game progressed, trusting them entirely to finish off the perfect game.

  3. maqman on August 16th, 2012 11:06 am

    That was special. The only comparable in my life was Don Larsen’s perfecto in the 1956 WS against my beloved Brooklyn Bums, but that just really, really pissed me off. I got to follow it online (here in England) on Gameday, with the KIRO radio feed, from the start to the finish. It finished close to midnight and I had to wake my wife up to tell her, luckily she’s a fan. That was my best M’s experience in too many years. For some reason I was thinking about it after the first inning and was glued to every pitch all the way. Talk about a happy Felix day!

  4. Mariners35 on August 16th, 2012 11:13 am

    Very impressive article. Probably the best article about it not written by an M’s fan, so far. That analysis tells the story of the perfecto in a way that appreciates it even more.

    And huge props to Jaso! I have to wonder if this raised his standing / reputation as a game-caller with Wedge and company a bit.

  5. Westside guy on August 16th, 2012 11:50 am

    Thank you for pointing us to that, Dave – it was a great read!

    I’d also like to point out all the animated gifs – Sullivan is going to feel right at home on Fangraphs.

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