A Jeff Sullivan and Matthew Carruth podcast
Hello there, USS Mariner.
I am Matthew Carruth. I used to comment here, and then I used to write across the street at Lookout Landing, but then SBN decided to be SBN, and so I left, and now I’m here. I don’t know how much or how often I will be writing as freed from obligation, this will purely be a when-I-fancy-it effort on my part. Hopefully I can add a little bit.
One thing I can add are these podcasts. Jeff and I used to do them semi-irregularly at LL and now we will do them semi-irregularly here. I make no assurances about your enjoyment of these. I myself am not an overwhelming podcast fan, but we always got positive responses from some people and so, written shrug, as long as it makes some people happy. It’s not like we force you to listen to these or that you’re paying for them.
I don’t have the same embedding options here that I did over yonder so please exercise one of the below links should you wish to listen.
Podcast with Jeff and Matthew: Direct link! || iTunes link! || RSS/XML link!
15 Responses to “A Jeff Sullivan and Matthew Carruth podcast”
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Great to see Matthew here on USSM too. Also glad the podcast will still exist. Thanks guys.
Whooo! Every time there’s one of these I literally squeal with glee. … … I probably need to reevaluate things…
Matthew, I am extremely pleased that you’ll be occasionally posting here. Welcome!
Wow! Marc W, Dave, JY, Matthew, and Jeff! If only the commenting interface were just a little bit better.. you’d have the best baseball sight of all time! (not that commenting system is bad per say, it’s just that SBN does it pretty well… even after the stupid redesign.)
Welcome Matthew! This is awesome!
That was a very Carson Cistulli-esque introduction.
Unrelated: Anyone else have a theory as to what happened at SBN? I’m dying to know.
It is indeed cricket-er, and not cricket-eer.
Having listened to the podcast, I wanted to say thanks to both Matthew and Jeff. I really enjoyed the back-and-forth, and will be happily waiting for the next one… whenever it comes.
First Jeff, now Matthew! Woot woot! One stop shop!
Dang, I go away for one weekend and the (semi)retired Jeff makes 3 posts and now Carruth is also going to “occasionally” post? If that’s in the same vein as Jeff then we can look forward to some AMAZING content. Thanks for jumping aboard the USSMariner! Full steam ahead!
So happy for podcast! PODCAST!
Yes! I love your podcasts! Please keep doing them even though you don’t know why we like them.
My sadness at Jeff and Matthew’s departure from LL has been replaced with glee as they join Dave, and all my favorite M’s bloggers are united at USSM.
Jeff and Matthew –
I was deployed for the last 2 Mariner seasons and your writing kept me informed and gave me much needed smiles. Thank you both and look forward to any / every thing you guys contribute here!
It’s Cricketer.