
Dave · August 1, 2008 at 8:42 pm · Filed Under Mariners 

That’s what regression to the mean looks like. Call your college coach again, Jarrod, because you still suck.


58 Responses to “Yup”

  1. Paul B on August 2nd, 2008 10:56 am

    So, how bad is Washburn, really?

    Mariner 2008 (mostly) starters
    xFIP GS
    Felix 3.60 20
    Bedard 4.53 15
    Silva 4.55 22
    Dickey 4.88 10
    R-S 4.93 2
    Washburn 4.94 21
    Batista 5.58 18

    I’m actually surprised he has been doing worse than Silva. I’m also surprised that Silva is ahead of Dickey. Or anyone, really.

  2. party4marty on August 2nd, 2008 12:20 pm

    Now Washburn easily clears waivers, and the Ms are forced to pick up 1/2 his salary for next year for the Yanks to agree to a trade. What a difference a day makes.

  3. nvn8vbryce on August 2nd, 2008 12:23 pm

    47: Problem with the Mariners is we got the donkey driving the frickin’ bus.

    No, the problem with the Mariners is that we have a bunch of donkeys in the front office that don’t have the wherewethal to eat hay when they’re starving, therefore they become so malnourished that they become delusional and start to make a real… of themselves.

  4. aaron c. on August 2nd, 2008 1:02 pm

    I’m hearing that Rosenthal is reporting that the Yankees no longer have interest in Washburn. Apparently this was mentioned on Fox Saturday baseball. I’m at work and didn’t see/hear what was said, so I’m wondering if anyone can offer confirmation/elaboration. If true…jeez.

  5. gwangung on August 2nd, 2008 1:22 pm

    No, the problem with the Mariners is that we have a bunch of donkeys in the front office that don’t have the wherewethal to eat hay when they’re starving, therefore they become so malnourished that they become delusional and start to make a real… of themselves.

    Washburn, Vidro, Cairo, Silva….

    Yeah….you folks REALLLLLYYYY understand stats, don’t you….

  6. argh on August 2nd, 2008 1:31 pm

    I don’t think the Yankees were ever really interested in Washburn, they just expressed interest to get our hopes up and embarrass us. It’s like when the cool kids set you up and pretend the cheerleader wants you to ask her out and you screw up your courage and walk over and then, with the entire lunchroom watching, she doesn’t even remember your name. Suddenly you’re just Jarrod Washburn again, busted down Mariner pitcher and nobody wants to go to the prom with you. Ever. Forget it. Throw out those dancin’ shoes, boy.

    Not that any of that ever happened to me, of course.

  7. juneau_fan on August 2nd, 2008 2:13 pm

    Heh, argh. If there was ever a dude who’d be left in the middle of the cafeteria floor with his puddin’ drippin’ on his shoes, it’s Washburn.

    Is there a faint ray of light the team could still unload him because Wang is out for the season?

  8. younguns on August 4th, 2008 9:04 am

    Sorry to deep-6 your dump-Washburn-on-the-Yankees hopes, but Wang will be back in September 2008.

    Not ridding Washburn from your books when you had the chance will only make the next 4-5 years of Seattle baseball even harder to watch.

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