That was the longest winning streak of the season

DMZ · September 3, 2008 at 6:59 am · Filed Under Mariners 

Four games… savor it while it’s still fresh in your memory.


4 Responses to “That was the longest winning streak of the season”

  1. Spanky on September 3rd, 2008 7:46 am

    Dear Mr. Lincoln,

    Do NOT believe your own propaganda machine and start thinking this is the start of something really good for the Mariners. Four games in a row using the Tacoma Rainiers lineup (plus Ichiro, Beltre, and Hernandez) does not equate to a playoff contender. PLEASE do not go and offer Brett Tompko a $40M/4Yr contract and tell us you’re planning on winning next year. Do the right thing and hire someone who will bring true change to this organization. Give them the keys to the car and then GET OUT OF THE WAY and let them do what is best for this team. It may take 2, 3, or even 4 years, but this team can be changed into a contender. Give us something to truly hope for.

    Concerned M’s Fans EVERYWHERE

    (hey…I sound a little like Barack Obama!)

  2. msb on September 3rd, 2008 7:51 am


  3. pumpkinhead on September 3rd, 2008 8:52 am

    Well I enjoyed it! Fairly good baseball and a cycle to boot.

    Actually, pretty exciting baseball if you throw out the fact there’s no postseason possibilities.

  4. Joe on September 3rd, 2008 11:53 am

    Spanky, I agree with you. But you could turn that around and use these results to argue that this is the start of something good: that winning with a couple of stars plus a bunch of kids means that they don’t need to go out in the offseason and blow a lot of money (or throw away a lot of prospects) on overpriced veterans just to obtain their veteraness. The way to win is to stockpile young talent. Just ask the Rays.

    Unfortunately, the M’s are afraid that if they don’t win sooner rather than later, they’ll lose their fans and they’ll spiral down into another low payroll hole (and they aren’t smart enough to pull a Florida Marlins and win anyway). So rather than have a tear-down and rebuild (which they could’ve, and arguably should’ve, done in 2004 — in which case they’d be already done with it by now), they’ll throw panic money at whatever free agent fills the role they’ve decided most needs filling.

    I really hope they do what you suggest, and get out of the way, but I fear they can’t bring themselves to do it even if they somehow became convinced it was the right thing to do.

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