The Jack Wilson All-Stars

Mike Snow · August 15, 2009 at 11:31 am · Filed Under Mariners 

Until Beltre recovers, the left side of the infield consists of three guys – two Jacks and two Wilsons. For some lighthearted weekend fun in honor of that, here’s a lineup of all the Mariners who were either named Jack or Wilson.

P – Jack Lazorko
C – Dan Wilson
1B – Jim Wilson
2B – Jack Perconte
3B – Jack Hannahan
SS – Jack Wilson
LF – Mike Wilson
CF – Glenn Wilson
RF – Josh Wilson

The outfield’s a little shorthanded, and since there are actually only eight players I took the liberty of calling up Mike Wilson from Tacoma for the purposes of this list. In reality, this past spring training may have been the high point of his career, and I doubt he will ever play in the majors (for this franchise or any other). At best, maybe one day he’s given a Mickey Lopez callup before going off to Japan or something.

Glenn Wilson only played right field his half-season with the Mariners (until being traded to bring back Darnell Coles), but he did play center earlier in his career. Josh Wilson has yet to play outfield in the majors, but he did get sent out to right field once last year at Indianapolis, which makes him the volunteer to get squeezed out of the infield spots. Due to the lack of a bullpen, with his pitching experience he’s also the logical candidate to spell Lazorko.

But for one start at designated hitter, Jim Wilson was only ever used as a pinch-hitter by the Mariners, and all told he went 0-for-8 with the team. He was a first baseman in the minors, though.

Edit: Silly me, how could I forget Wilson Valdez? He’s got the requisite appearance in left field, too, in 2007 with the Dodgers, so you can swap him out for Mike Wilson.


9 Responses to “The Jack Wilson All-Stars”

  1. The Ancient Mariner on August 15th, 2009 11:42 am

    It’s really too bad that John Moses went by “Johnny” rather than “Jack”–then we’d have a bench. 🙂

  2. scott19 on August 15th, 2009 11:58 am

    And, in honor of the occasion, we could invite Ann and Nancy Wilson to do the national anthem before the game. 🙂

  3. The Hamms Bear on August 15th, 2009 1:06 pm

    For some reason I loved Jack Perconte when I was a kid.

    Apparently he writes for, a part of Baseball Daily Digest.

  4. basebliman on August 15th, 2009 1:29 pm

    Where does Jack Wilson himself fit into the picture? Or is he disqualified?

  5. basebliman on August 15th, 2009 1:30 pm

    forget what I just wrote

  6. red_devil20 on August 15th, 2009 1:34 pm

    Do all these players have to choke up on the bat like Perconte??? Honestly, his presence on this team makes it a wild card contender.

  7. floydr on August 15th, 2009 3:34 pm

    I’m trying to come up with something to tie Home Improvement’s Wilson Wilson in, but it’s not happening. Maybe he’s one of Jack’s cousins?

  8. pinball1973 on August 15th, 2009 3:37 pm

    This is funny.

  9. Mike Snow on August 15th, 2009 7:32 pm

    Incidentally, today I was out in Bayview for a family gathering. The road that takes you from Chuckanut Drive to Bayview is called Josh Wilson Road.

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