Recruiting iPhone beta testers

DMZ · September 4, 2009 at 5:05 pm · Filed Under Mariners 

Got a ton! Thanks!

Hey — this season I’ve been working on putting together a USSM-ish iPhone app to do help… do something cool.

So we need some beta testers. If you’re interested in helping out, read on.

Here’s how the process works:
* drop us an email with your phone’s UUID (hook it up, go to itunes, click the serial number, bam, it’ll show up), and send it from the email you want to use
* we send you a beta version of the app
* you load that into itunes
* send us some feedback/bug reports/whatever

Pretty simple. Seeing a ton of baseball is a requirement. Previous testing experience is helpful but not necessary.


13 Responses to “Recruiting iPhone beta testers”

  1. sodomojo_1 on September 4th, 2009 5:32 pm

    Will this work for the Ipod Touch also?

  2. killer_ewok18 on September 4th, 2009 6:14 pm

    What exactly will the app do?

  3. DMZ on September 4th, 2009 6:25 pm

    It will work with the iPod touch

  4. Typical Idiot Fan on September 4th, 2009 6:59 pm

    I’m in. Sending info.

  5. ScottBrowne on September 4th, 2009 7:06 pm

    I’m down. I’ll send in the info when I get home.

  6. Sam W. on September 4th, 2009 7:16 pm

    Yea. I have an Ipod touch as well.

  7. zippyflynn on September 4th, 2009 10:03 pm

    Still looking for testers?

  8. msb on September 4th, 2009 10:26 pm


    I thought you were volunteering to give me an iPhone.

  9. beef on September 4th, 2009 11:11 pm

    last i heard, the iphone will give you scabies!

  10. nvn8vbryce on September 5th, 2009 1:51 am

    Derek, is this still open? If so, I will send you my SSID. Some of the new updates have been affecting app / connectivity functionality – especially in the Wi-Fi arena and I would love to br able to help out!

  11. nvn8vbryce on September 5th, 2009 2:08 am

    Damn spell check. I meant UUID.

  12. mln on September 5th, 2009 4:37 am

    I thought you were volunteering to give me an iPhone.

    That’s what I thought at first. USS Mariner is giving away a free iPhone? Sign me up.

    But alas, it was not to be.

    I haven’t been this disappointed since the Mariners decided not to do a giveaway of Willie Bloomquist/My Pink Pony slippers.

  13. vitalogist on September 5th, 2009 6:05 pm

    Is this still a go?

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